A Pebble for Your Thoughts. Megan Murphy

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A Pebble for Your Thoughts - Megan Murphy

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       Never Underestimate Yourself!

       Calm Is My Superpower


       “You Never Know How Strong You Are Until Being Strong Is the Only Choice You Have.”

       Sometimes, Simply Recognizing the Storm Allows It to Pass

       “Kites Rise Highest Against the Wind, Not with It.”

       “Be Happy for This Moment. This Moment Is Your Life.”

       Chapter Two


       Keep Going

       This Rock Is a Sign, a Message of Sorts That You Are Loved

       “Let the Beauty of What You Love Be What You Do.”

       Be Positive!

       Today Will Be a Great Day…I Can and I Will!

       “If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?”


       When Life Gets Blurry, Adjust Your Focus

       Let Your Vision Pull You

       Believe in Yourself and You Will Be Unstoppable

       Now More than Ever, Kindness Can Become a Connecting Force for Good

       “One Moment Can Change a Day, One Day Can Change a Life, and One Life Can Change the World.”

       Chapter 3

       Grief and Healing

       We Are Never So Lost That Our Angels Cannot Find Us

       Your Angels Are with You, They Just Aren’t Leaving Any Footprints.

       “No One Saves Us but Ourselves. No One Can and No One May. We Ourselves Must Walk the Path.”

       “These Are the Days That Must Happen to You.”

       Love the People That God Gave You, Because He Will Need Them Back One Day

       When We Lose a Loved One, We Gain a Guardian Angel

       Kindness Is the Cure!

       Sometimes, Something as Simple as a Smile Can Make All of the Difference

       Maybe All of the Confusing Things Happening in Our World Right Now Are Preparing Us for a Kinder, More Compassionate Existence That’s Well Overdue

       Chapter 4


       Sometimes, What You’re Looking for Comes When You’re Not Looking!

       Something Great Is Headed Your Way, Be Patient and Remain Positive


       One Day, You Will Look Back and Realize the Little Things Are the Big Things

       Hope Holds the Future for Our World

       If It’s Meant to Be, It Will Be

       The Secret to Getting Ahead Is Simply by Getting Started

       “Lord, Make Me An Instrument of Thy Peace. Where There Is Hatred Let Me Sow Love.”

       Nothing Is Inevitable

       Live the Way You Want to Be Remembered

       Chapter 5

       Personal Growth

       The Way We Treat Others Says a Lot about How We Feel about Ourselves

       “You Can Go Your Own Way.”

       Could It Be That You Play a Role in Creating Your Reality?


       I Decide My Vibe


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