Miraculous Happenings in the Year of the Elephant. Mehded Maryam Sinclair

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Miraculous Happenings in the Year of the Elephant - Mehded Maryam Sinclair

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      The year was 570 C.E. and the year had a name. It was

       “The Year of the Elephant.” It was later in that year

       that the Prophet Muhammad would be born, may

       Allah bless him and give him peace, to bring News

      of the infinite,

       of that which lasts forever,

       of that from which we came,

       of that which we will know when we die,

      to bring this News into ears and into hearts,

       to be carried there until the end of time.



      Everything was ready for the coming of Islam. The

       blessed lost waters of Zam Zam were gushing up again

       out of the dry sands near the Ka‘ba. The Jews and the few

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