Christmas in Evergreen. Nancy Naigle

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Christmas in Evergreen - Nancy Naigle Christmas in Evergreen

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too? Allie’s heart clenched.

      “Thanks, honey,” Carol said to Joe.

      He headed for the kitchen, and Allie placed her hands on her mother’s shoulders. “Mom, Washington D.C. has modern conveniences.” Allie rubbed her shoulders, encouraging her to relax.

      “I know.” But Carol’s words were unconvincing.


      “I know,” Carol whispered.

      “I hear they even have an airport now,” Allie teased.

      Carol granted Allie a small smile, then took a breath. “Honey, I just want to make sure…that you’re sure. Because this is a big change, Allie.”

      “I’m sure.” She held Mom’s gaze, hoping to calm her down. “It’s a great job. And besides, I’m ready for a change.”

      Carol leveled a stare. The one Allie knew so well. “And I’m not just talking about the job.”

      “No. Mom.” Allie raised a finger in the air, shaking her head. “No. We’ve been over this.” She took a step back, as if the space between them would erase the comment. She was tiring of this discussion. It had been Spencer who’d found her the amazing job opportunity in Washington, D.C., and yes, he wanted her closer to him, but applying for that position had been one hundred percent her choosing. If things worked out with Spencer, that was great, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. Sure, she was giving up her own vet practice here in Evergreen, but she was going to be doubling her salary in the city. There was so much opportunity in Washington, D.C. So much to see and do. It was a good change. The chance of a lifetime. “Spencer and I are just testing the waters.”

      “Mm-hmm. And there was a reason you two broke up, honey.”

      “Yeah, we couldn’t handle the long-distance thing. So, now we’re going to be in the same city, and…it’s not a big deal,” Allie said. We’ll figure it out.

      “You’re going to be spending Christmas with him, Allie. That is a very big deal.”

      The bells on the door jingled as more customers poured in behind them, and Allie hugged Mom again.

      Sniffling back tears, Mom said, “You’re hugging me right now just to hush me up, aren’t you?” She giggled.

      “No.” Her mother knew her so well. “I’m hugging you because I love you. The hushing is just a bonus.” When she stepped back, she was glad to see her mom was still laughing, too.

      Mom ran her fingers through Allie’s hair. Her crooked smile and furrowed brow said things she didn’t need to vocalize.

      “I gotta go,” Allie said. “I love you.”

      “I love you.”

      She kissed her mom on the cheek and headed for the door. She glanced back, watching her mom race-walk to the kitchen. She didn’t have to stick around and check to know that Mom would be crying in Dad’s arms in a matter of seconds. That tugged at her heart. She was tempted to run back and hug Mom one more time.

      It was hard to leave, but she knew she was doing the right thing. She hoped everything would fall into place. She didn’t like seeing Mom sad—especially at the holidays.

      Allie reached the door, then turned and scanned the diner. So many wonderful years and memories had been made here. She’d miss this place. All the charming shelves Grandpa had built and painted white to give the diner a warm country feeling and to give Mom a spot to show off her teapot collections. The life-sized Santa sign just inside the door. The candy jar next to the register that was filled with something different every month—candy canes for December. And the snow globe.

      The snow globe was a legend around here. Mom said she’d wished for a daughter on it one Christmas after she and Dad had been trying for years with no luck. Allie had been born the following September.

      It wasn’t to be taken lightly. Only wishes your heart truly wanted even had a chance of being granted.

      Mom was nowhere in sight.

      Allie dashed over to the snow globe. She lifted the glass ball from its place of honor next to the cash register and held it in her hands reverently.

      Following one deep breath, she turned it upside down and gave it a good shake, then flipped it back upright, sending the snow inside twisting and swirling like a blizzard around the exact replica of the Evergreen church.

      She closed her eyes and silently made her wish.

      As she opened her eyes, a calm washed over her, as if there was no doubt her wish would come true. She set the snow globe down and gave it a gentle pat on the top, then headed for the door before her parents came back and saw her.

      In a hurry, she almost plowed right over a sixty-something man wearing a dark suit and jaunty red scarf.

      “Whoa,” he said, coming to an abrupt halt.

      “Oh, my gosh!” Allie exclaimed. “So sorry.” She patted his arm, then, taking in his appearance—the perfectly shaped, snow-white beard and laughing eyes—she realized he was the spitting image of Santa. Come to think of it, his Whoa! had sounded a lot like a ho-ho-ho that a certain red-suited Christmas guy was known for. Thank goodness he hadn’t fallen. That would have landed her on the naughty list for sure.

      “In a hurry to get your Christmas plans started?” His blue eyes twinkled with every word, and his fluffy beard looked like the real deal. She was tempted to reach out and touch it.

      “Yes.” Allie couldn’t believe how much this man favored jolly old St. Nicholas. It had her stumbling for words. “Just about to head out of town.”

      “Well…” A flash of concern crossed his face. “Be sure to check the weather before you go to the airport. Mother Nature can be unpredictable.” He leaned back and gave a hearty laugh and a wink, like it was some kind of inside joke.

      How did he know where she was headed? Had she said that? It didn’t matter. The joke was on him. It was snowing, but that was just another wintry day in Evergreen. No problem. She couldn’t wait to set out on this journey. It was both exciting and scary to leave this place she’d called home her whole life.

      The bells on the diner door jingle-jangled as the man went inside. Would he order cookies and milk? Maybe cocoa in this weather?

      Allie smiled at the sweet man. Nice of him to offer his concern for her when she was the one who’d nearly knocked him over.

      She walked to her truck, checking off her mental list of things to do before heading to the airport this afternoon. So far, everything was right on schedule.


      Allie pulled away from the curb with a heavy heart even though she was exhilarated about the journey ahead. She didn’t like that Mom was so worried, but she knew she just wanted things to work out for the best. Couldn’t fault her for that. Chopping onions? Who’d buy that old excuse?

      Her house was

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