Get Out of Your Own Way Guide to Life. Justin Loeber

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Get Out of Your Own Way Guide to Life - Justin Loeber

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experienced it all. Not only has he had his own incredible journey in front of and behind the spotlight, he’s also seen how certain people rise to meet and even exceed their potential—and how others get in their own way.

      With Justin’s guidance, some of the biggest names in entertainment, politics, sports, literature, and medicine, as well as corporate household brands and so on, have learned how to harness their talent and effectively get their message and mission across to the masses.

      Now, you don’t have to want to be the next big star to get a boatload of wisdom out of this gem of a book. The lessons learned here will help you with your next job, relationship, friendship, insecurity, or obstacle.

      The advice you’ll receive is ultimately about living your life to the fullest, no matter what you choose to do with it. And the truth is, we all want to shine brightly in our own little universes. I certainly did.

      When I first met Justin, he had been hired by my then-publisher to promote my first book, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, and my award-winning documentary film, Crazy Sexy Cancer. These projects were born out of my own experience as a young woman living with a Stage IV, incurable disease. I often say that as I was looking for the cure, I found my life. Like so many people who experience a serious wake-up call, cancer put life into perspective and helped me focus on what really matters. I learned how to take care of myself and others at the deepest level, to bridge the worlds of western and integrative medicine, and to teach others how to become empowered participants in their well-being.

      My simple mission became a global movement that began with Justin’s incredible guidance, direction, and support. To say he was a huge part of my success is an understatement. I couldn’t have done it without him.

      From day one, Justin took me under his glittery wing and taught me how to own my own stage. I was green. I was scared as hell, and I was often so nervous. I didn’t think I could do it. But he wouldn’t let my negative voices get in my way because he knew I had so much to share with the world (just as you do). So Justin would coach me day and night, take me to every interview, and practice with me what to say, how to steer the interview back to my message if it drifted, and how to just be myself and have fun––no matter what. Then we’d rinse and repeat and get back out there!

      Well, the doors flew open and I was booked on every national TV show, including Oprah. Thank you, Justin! It’s been over a decade since then, and I’ve met many coaches, trainers, TV executives, publishers, celebrities, and so on. But I always come back to Justin’s tools and advice, and I continue to build my brand and my life on my own unique terms.

      You have a treasure in your hands. This little book is filled with “wows,” “ahas,” and a whole lotta love and wisdom. My advice to you: listen. Take what resonates for a spin and give this one glorious life of yours your all. As Justin always tells me, “Get out there and do your fabulous tap dance, baby!”

      You’ve got this.

      Peace and possibilities,

      —Kris Carr, New York Times and #1 Amazon bestselling author and Justin’s biggest fan

      Table Contents

       Praise for Get Out of Your Own Way Guide to Life:



       Step One:

       Dream Big!

       Step Two:

       Make a Good First Impression

       Step Three:

       Find Perfection in Imperfection

       Step Four:

       Know Your Sh*t!

       Step Five:

       Own the Power of Thoughtfulness

       Step Six:

       Learn How to Communicate

       Step Seven:


       Step Eight:

       Work on Your Work Ethic

       Step Nine:

       Shift Gears

       Step Ten:

       Rule Your Planet


       Do it Now!

       Talk to Me!


       About Justin Loeber


      To live a full life is an honor that comes with a responsibility—to yourself. Whether you are a nurse, a landscaper, a pop singer, a philosopher, an artist, a Broadway hoofer, a brain surgeon, a parent, an “A” student, a fashion model, a gas pumper or a deadbeat, we’re all here on this Earth for such a brief moment. I have unpacked most—not all—of the baggage that has weighed me down emotionally, which could have potentially stopped me from moving into the next semester

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