Power Your Life With the Positive. Cyrus Webb

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Power Your Life With the Positive - Cyrus Webb

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of diversity. We have always met challenges and worked to create spaces for ourselves.”

      “Every profession will offer certain challenges. You have to go into it with a positive attitude and the belief that God put you there for something and move forward.”

      Talking about The Birth of a Nation, Jeryl says, “It is a powerful project, and I am so grateful to Nate Parker. Nate Parker is an amazingly generous and bold director, producer, and writer. I have an amazing amount of anticipation about the journey of this film.”

      Jeryl’s journey continues not only with exciting projects, but also with the relationships she is forging along the way. Whether discussing the talented cast of The Birth of a Nation or The Walking Dead, she says “There’s an immortality that comes with all acting. The fans hold on to you and never let you go. The friendships that I developed have been real.” Speaking of The Walking Dead in particular, she says this: “The show will never die, because it constantly asks us to search inside of ourselves. It’s a constant universal questioning.”

      At the time of our conversation, Jeryl was gearing up for the release of a project, produced by her, that was on its way to television.

      “You continue to pray, create, make connections, and speak it into reality as much as you can. It’s wonderful when you see things actually materialized.”

      This is what she told me when referring to what happened in 2017. “If it’s part of a larger plan for me it will happen.”

      1.How has what others say you can do affected how you approach your life and your dreams?

      2.Like Jeryl, how can you change the way you look at where you are and where you want to go?


      “Do not let the bastards

      grind you down.”

      —Margaret Atwood


      “Life isn’t about finding yourself.

      Life is about creating yourself.”

      —George Bernard Shaw

      Power Your Life BY SEIZING CONTROL

      “Freedom is never given; it is won.”

      —A. Philip Randolph

      Power Your Life WITH GRATITUDE

      “We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

      —Frederick Koenig

       Profile #5:

       Start Where You Are and Don’t Give Up

      Producer and Author Peter Engel

      I didn’t know the name Peter Engel before 2016, but I think everyone knows Saved by The Bell. It was the television show that created stars and a brand that continues even today. Well, Peter Engel was the creator of that show and many others like it. When he released his memoir, I Was Saved by The Bell, it opened my eyes up to so much about his life and where he was today—and our conversation together was so encouraging for me and I know for you when it comes to the importance of having a positive attitude in life.

      CW. Peter, first of all, I have to say that what you have built through your production company is truly inspiring. What has it been like for you to open up about your personal and professional journey the way you have?

      PE. Cyrus, you said the important word: “journey.” It has been a journey, and sharing it with people has been a great part of it. I hope it makes them feel like you can’t give up.

      I’ve had my heart broken so many times, but I’ve come to realize that if you didn’t have your heart broken, the victory wouldn’t be as sweet.

      CW. You really seem to have a way of bringing characters to life. You talk about in your book about how just by reading about them, people want to see your characters on the screen. Have you always known that was your gift?

      PE. Yes! I knew it when I put on my first show. I knew then it was something within me. The problem is that sometimes it’s hard to get a chance.

      It’s hard to get your foot in the door, but you just gotta go with it. You just gotta keep fighting. That doesn’t mean I was all the way in. I just had my foot in the door, but that was a start. Just keep in mind that you can’t give up. If you love it, and have a passion for it, you’ll have to stay at it.

      CW. In your book, you make it very clear that your faith is something that has guided and directed you in life. How has the knowledge that you were created with greatness inside you affected the way you live your life?

      PE. I have always believed I was created for greatness, but it didn’t happen right away. God made this promise to me, but it didn’t happen overnight. You have to have faith. That is the only thing that will keep you from leaning too much on yourself. If you think you don’t have to have faith, you’ll think you can do it alone.

      People forget it’s supposed to be fun. For me the work is fun, and if you can have fun doing your job you can’t ask for more than that.

      1.Do a self-check and ask whether, like Peter, the work you are doing is fun for you. If not, how can you change that around?

      2.Faith is an important aspect to having a positive life. What do you have faith in, and how can that help you to change the way you see where you are and where you want to go?

      Power Your Life WITH VISION

      “Where there is no vision,

      there is no hope.”

      —George Washington Carver


      “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

      —Antoine de Saint Exupéry

      (The Little Prince)

      Power Your Life BY DOING WHAT YOU LOVE

      “My Vocation is my Vacation. I love what I do.”

      —Nick Cannon

      Power Your Life BY GETTING BACK UP AGAIN

      “The road back may not be as short as we wish … but there are solid reasons to feel confident about the future.”

      —Richard Parsons


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