Lemons to Lemonade. Addie Johnson

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Lemons to Lemonade - Addie Johnson

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      I can think of people who have everything they could ever

      want and are still miserable. I can think of people just scraping

      by whose joy for life overflows onto everyone around them.

      Sometimes we take for granted the great pleasure we can take

      from very little things. Sometimes, too, we forget to give our-

      selves permission to enjoy over-the-top abundance, as if we

      somehow didn't deserve it. Most important, life is best when we

      set our judgments aside and savor the moment of whatever it

      is that the universe is dishing out, in big or small servings.


      We're surrounded by beauty of all kinds. It can perk us up, calm

      us down, and even heal our bodies and souls. Getting attuned

      to this splendor is a great way to pass the time. It's time to

      shine up your sense of wonder and see the world in a new light.

      Make some new discoveries, and don't forget to pass them on

      through the magic of your own creativity.


      Stop trying so hard. The harder you try to make yourself happy,

      or the more you focus on “being happy” for its own sake, with-

      out connecting it to actions in your life, the more it eludes you.

      Get out there and do it!


       More Laughing

      Somebody told me that an average kindergartner laughs 300

      times a day, while an adult averages seventeen times. This

      makes me want to be a kindergarten teacher.


       Laughing at Yourself

      Persnickety, controlling, stiff. I catch myself in this mode and I

      have to laugh. More fun to be the wild, goofy child poking fun

      at my uptight self.


      Some people are tough customers, whether they're actual cus-

      tomers, bosses, employees, friends, or even family. Don't let

      it drain your energy. Figure out the minimum contact you can

      have, make it as pleasant as possible, and move on. Don't let

      anybody sap your energy.



      The spark of creativity is life's first and greatest gift to us; we're

      conceived in that spark. And we have the chance to create

      every day, even in how we look at the world around us. We also

      get to bear witness to that spark in others through literature,

      scientific discoveries, music, and painting. If we pay attention,

      we can notice it in nature all around us: a perfect spider web,

      the formation of ice crystals on the windowpane, even a close

      examination of our own animal natures. Creation brings us joy,

      awe, and often a much needed new perspective.



      Ever bite into an apple with a worm? Make the best of it by

      remembering that even things we sometimes think are gross

      are really, truly wonderful. Spiders are good luck. Worms help

      plants grow. Bugs as part of the ecosystem, bugs making

      honey and silk, bugs eating peskier bugs, and so much more.

      It's a good exchange for a couple of wormy apples, or for those

      twelve mosquito bites I get every summer.


       A Sense of Purpose

      You may think that some work is beneath you, or that people

      are demeaned by having certain jobs. There are several ways

      to look at work you may not be excited about doing. You can

      feel demoralized or bitter about doing repetitious work that

      does not challenge or excite you, or you can find a sense of

      purpose in what you do. You can see your efforts in relation

      to the overall effect they are having as an essential part of the

      whole. Your sense of worth is in your own hands.


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