I Wonder About Allah. Ozkan Oze

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I Wonder About Allah - Ozkan Oze I Wonder About Islam

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money from an unexpected place, he wouldn’t sell lemons anymore. Because he wouldn’t need money anymore.


      If you saw him still going from place to place, selling lemons from his stall, you would know he didn’t do his job for the money.

      The man continues to sell lemons because he likes to and wants to sell lemons. Not because he needs to.

      If you saw that he even gave lemons for free to those who don’t have money, or even that he doesn’t take money from anyone, you will be convinced that this man doesn’t do this job for another reason.

      If they asked him, “What need do you have to sell lemons?”

      He would say, “I’m not selling lemons because I need to! I don’t need the money that is given for the lemons!

      “I like selling lemons. It pleases me to offer lemons to people.”

      The man does this job because he wants to, because he is generous, because he enjoys giving out lemons and making people happy.

      If he didn’t do it, nothing would be lost. No one would say, “Why don’t you give out lemons to us?”

      Because he has no obligation to do it!

      Therefore, even in the world full of our endless needs, sometimes people do things, good deeds, acts of charity, without asking for anything in return or a profit.

      Rich and generous people feed the hungry, clothe the poor. They have no obligation to do so; they could or could not do it.

      No one would ask, “What need did you have? You fed us, you held these feasts, why?” It would be rude and ungrateful if they did.

      Let’s look at our question now through the window of this example.

      “Did Allah need to create the universe?”

       Allah is As-Samad

      One of Allah’s beautiful names is As-Samad. As-Samad means, He who has no need of anything else, yet everything else has the need of Him.

      Allah does not need this universe, nor did He need to create this universe, or need anything else.

      Allah was there when this whole universe wasn’t. He who was there when nothing else was, does not need anything!

      Would Allah, who was there when the Sun wasn’t, need the Sun? Or need the Moon?

      Would he need the earth, air, water or soil? What would Allah need from trees?

      What good would birds flying or clouds floating past bring to Allah?

      Allah didn’t create all these for a need. He created because He wanted to.

      As I explained to you in the previous chapter, He created to show His unique workmanship.

      He could have created or not created.

      Allah doesn’t need anything.

      But Allah chose to create, to bring into existence, to show us His workmanship and introduce Himself to us.

      Because of this, we could taste the blessing of being alive.

      We saw this beautiful, magnificent universe full of wonders and curiosities.


      We heard sounds. We kissed a baby on its cheek. We touched a rose petal, took in the beautiful scent of it.

      We experienced a mother’s love, felt a father’s compassion.

      We found out how sweet honey is, how delicious milk is.

      We found out the differences between the seasons.

      We discovered how every snowflake is different from every other.

      We watched with amazement how apples were created on branches.

      We watched birds flying, bees collecting honey.

      We ran, walked, lay down and slept.

      We loved, were loved, got excited, became happy.

      When we got scared, we took refuge with Allah and read prayers. We thanked Allah for creating us and letting us know of Him.

      We said, “I am here!”

      We said, “I have a Lord!”

       Neither more nor less!

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