The Qur'an: Essential Teachings. Abdur Raheem Kidwai

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The Qur'an: Essential Teachings - Abdur Raheem Kidwai

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wise sayings (aḥādīth) and exemplary practice (Sunnah) have helped hundreds of millions of Muslims down the millennia. Needless to add, this guidance embraces the entire gamut of man’s life. Thanks to the divine scheme of things, the wisdom imparted by the Messenger is characterised by such timelessness that it is as relevant and rewarding for mankind today as it was in the seventh century when he first presented these directives. His instructions have such a force and appeal as to transform the mindsets of believers even today.

      To sum up, before Allah sent down His Messenger, who stands out as a perfect preacher, moral and spiritual reformer, teacher and mentor, mankind was steeped in error and ignorance: man must be thankful to Allah for this massive favour. For it is only with the help of the Messenger in transmitting, demonstrating and elucidating the divine message that man can follow the way approved by Allah.

       Related Qur’ānic passages for self-study

      image al-Baqarah 2:129, 151, and 212

      image al-A‘rāf 7:29

      image al-Tawbah 9:33

      image Ibrāhīm 14:1

      image al-Naḥl 16:2

      image al-Isrā’ 17:92-95

      image al-Kahf 18:55

      image al-Mu’minūn 23:22

      image al-Furqān 25:20

      image al-Jumu‘ah 62:2

      image al-Ṭalāq 65:10-11



       The Prophet Muḥammad

       (peace and blessings be upon him)

       Those who believe and do good deeds and believe in the revelation sent down to Muḥammad – for it is the truth from their Lord – He will remove from them their misdeeds and improve their condition.

      (Muḥammad 47:2)

      ALTHOUGH there exist many standard biographies of the Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in every major world language, the Qur’ān itself brings out the outstanding features of his illustrious life and career. Reading the Qur’ān one gets a clear picture of his message and mission and the central place he occupies in Islam. In the above quoted passage Muslims are promised forgiveness for their sins, if they follow the divine message sent down to the Prophet. This underscores the Prophet’s coveted position in the sight of Allah. Without the pledge to abide by his teachings, no salvation is possible. His message is hailed as the truth revealed by Allah. More remarkably, Allah promises that one’s commitment to it is bound to bring success in both worlds. For he is part of the chain of Allah’s messengers who conveyed divine guidance to mankind. Rather, he stands out as the final Messenger, marking the end of messengership, (al-An‘ām 6:85-90 and al-Aḥzāb 33:40). He belongs to the progeny of the Prophet Ishmael, son of the Prophet Abraham. His advent in seventh-century Makkah marks Allah’s acceptance of the supplication made by the Prophets Abraham and Ishmael:

       Our Lord! Raise up for them [the children of Ishmael] a Messenger from among them who will recite to them Your revelations and will teach them the Book and wisdom and will purify them [of sin and unbelief]. Surely You alone are Almighty, the Wise.

      (al-Baqarah 2:129)

      There is ample evidence to prove that he accomplished his fourfold mission well. At the time he appeared on the scene, the Arabs had discarded and corrupted the divine message conveyed to them by the Prophet Abraham. All sorts of evil – social, moral and economic – had crept into their way of life. They were given to drinking, causing bloodshed and sexual licentiousness. They had grown so callous that they used to bury their daughters alive. They had installed hundreds of idols in and around the Ka‘bah and openly indulged in polytheism. As a pious person even in his pre-prophetic life, Muḥammad felt disturbed over the degeneration which he observed in his society.

      When he was 40 years old, Allah appointed him His final Messenger, directing him to convey divine guidance in both word and deed. The Archangel Gabriel transmitted to him the opening verses of Sūrah al-‘Alaq, which constitute the first installment of divine revelation. Throughout the 23 years of his Prophetic career he received at intervals its other parts, which taken together comprise the Qur’ān, the final Book of guidance for all mankind, regardless of time and place. His main assignment consisted in giving the good news to believers and warning unbelievers. At several places the Qur’ān projects him in this role. (See al-Baqarah 2:119, al-Nisā’ 4:170, al-Mā’idah 5:19, al-An‘ām 6:104, al-A‘rāf 7:184 and 188, Hūd 11:2, al-Ḥijr 15:98, al-Naḥl 16:89, al-Isrā’ 17:105, al-Ḥajj 22:67, al-Furqān 25:1 and 56, al-‘Ankabūt 29:50 and al-Aḥzāb 33:45.)

      He made plain his adherence to the Prophet Abraham’s way with a view to reminding fellow Arabs of their original faith. So doing, he emphasised also the cardinal principles of monotheism in faith:

       [Abraham declared] “As to me, I have set my face firmly and truly towards Him Who created the heavens and earth. Never shall I ascribe partners to Allah.”

      (al-An‘ām 6:79)

      The Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him) presented the essence of the creed of earlier messengers, asserting that he was there to confirm the Scriptures originally sent down to mankind. The Qur’ān stresses the essential similarity between its message and that of the Books revealed to other messengers. For all of these originated from the same source – Allah. Since earlier Scriptures had been corrupted by the wicked beyond recognition, there was a need to revive the original divine message. This task was performed by the Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Not only did he transmit faithfully the Word of Allah, he also demonstrated the way of life of a true believer. His distinguished life and conduct serve as the role model for all time and place. For example, Allah directed him to engage sincerely in worshipping Him in order to achieve closeness to Him. Moreover, he displayed exemplary bravery, courage and tact in overcoming the unbelievers on the battleground, (Āl ‘Imrān 3:153 and al-Isrā’ 17:74). These and many other points are cited in the Qur’ān in order to vindicate his genuine Messengership. The following passages, in particular, adduce arguments in support of his designation as Allah’s Messenger:

      image al-Baqarah

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