Witnesses unto Mankind. Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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Witnesses unto Mankind - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

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God punishes them severely in this world.

       If you are being trampled upon today, if you fear greater catastrophes tomorrow, is this not but the punishment for your false witness and concealment of the Truth?

       To my mind, your destiny, now and ever, depends on one issue only: how you conduct yourselves in respect of God’s guidance that has come to you through His Messenger, blessings and peace be on him.

       This [glorious] future is yours! But only if you follow Islam sincerely and exclusively and serve as its faithful witnesses.

       Witness to the Truth

      All praise be to God who alone is the Creator, Master and Sovereign of the universe. It is He who rules over it with perfect wisdom, absolute power and infinite mercy. He who has created man, endowed him with knowledge and reason, made him His vicegerent on earth, and has sent His Books and Messengers to guide him.

      May God bless all those righteous and noble servants of His who were appointed to teach man how to live as true human beings and who made man aware of the real purpose of his life, and showed him the right way to live in this world. Whatever measure of true guidance, morality, piety, and selflessness that the world possesses today, it owes to the teachings of these servants of God, peace be upon them. This is a debt that can never be sufficiently repaid.

      Brothers and friends, we usually divide our meetings into two parts. In one part, we review, among ourselves, our activities and discuss plans for their advancement. The other part we devote to conveying our message to the people of the area where we hold our meeting. We have, thus, asked you to join us in this meeting so that we may explain our message to you.

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