Qur'anic Keywords. Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

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Qur'anic Keywords - Abdur Rashid Siddiqui

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to be careful in dealing with them. For example, if some news is brought by them, it should be carefully checked for its authenticity before taking any action (al-Ḥujurāt 49: 6). If they are proved to be fabricating evidence against chaste women, their testimony should never be accepted (al-Nūr 24: 4).


      Fisq: 2: 197; 5: 3; 6: 121; 17: 16; 49: 7.

      Fitnah [images] (Trial)


      Fatana means to put a piece of gold in a crucible and heat it in order to test whether it is pure gold or contains impurities. It is used in this sense in Sūrah al-Dhāriyāt: “(It will be) a day when they will be tried (and tested) over the Fire” (al-Dhāriyāt 51: 13). The other meanings of Fatana are: (a) to subject to temptations or trials; (b) to charm, fascinate, captivate; (c) to torture, torment; (d) to create tumult or discord.

      The word Fitnah which comes from this root means temptation, trial, charm, intrigue, sedition, riot, disorder, or civil strife.


      The word Fitnah is used in at least the following four different meanings:

      A. TRIAL

      One of its meanings is a test or trial. In this sense it is a synonym of the word Balā’. The root of the word Balā’ also means to test, to try or to afflict. Hence, Balā’ means trial, tribulation, visitation, affliction, distress or misfortune.

      The purpose of the creation of the universe as well as of life and death, according to the Qur’ān, is the trial of human beings. Allah wants to find out who is the best in his deeds (al-Mulk 67: 1; Hūd 11: 7). The life on the earth consists of a series of trials. These trials can take many forms, and each human being as well as each nation is tried in different ways. These include:

      1.through one’s own family, which is called Fitnah as also is affluence (al-Anfāl 8: 28; al-Taghābun 64: 14–15).

      2.suffering and adversity, fear and famine (al-Baqarah 2: 155).

      3.temptations (Yūsuf: 12: 23–24).

      A trial is an essential requirement to test the sincerity of one’s Īmān. The path of Islam is the path of struggle. People will not be left alone just by saying that they believe. They will be tested to establish whether their belief is superficial or rooted firmly in their hearts and manifested in their actions. The Qur’ān mentions this fact in several places in order that one should not be perturbed when these trials come and instead remain steadfast in one’s Īmān: “Do people think that they will be left alone on saying, ‘We believe’, and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false” (al-ʿAnkabūt 29: 2–3). (See also al-Baqarah 2: 214 and Āl ʿImrān 3: 142.)

      It was only after going through severe trials, tests and untold sacrifices that the Prophet Ibrāhīm (peace be upon him) was granted the honour of the title “The Leader of Mankind” (al-Baqarah 2: 124).

      Unbelievers are also tested so that they may turn to Allah and repent. This test is not necessarily effected by imposing some misfortune. It may be conducted by giving them plenty of worldly goods. The believers are warned not to be dazzled by glitter of their wealth; as Allah says: “through this We test them…” (Ṭā Hā 20: 131).


      The word Fitnah is also used for the persecution of believers. The persecution by Pharaoh of Banī Isrā’īl (Yūnus 10: 83), and of the believers by the Aṣḥāb al-Ukhdūd (the makers of the pit fire) (al-Burūj 85: 10), is termed Fitnah. In this sense the Fitnah is regarded as worse than killing and warfare (al-Baqarah 2: 191 and 217).


      One of the methods used by Satan or his agents is to seduce people by alluring them so that they deviate from the right path (al-Aʿrāf 7: 20; al-Isrā’ 17: 73).

      D. BURNING

      This is the literal meaning of the word fitnah as stated above. It is used in this meaning in several places in the Qur’ān (85: 10).


      Fitnah: 2: 102; 8: 25; 17: 60; 21: 35; 85: 10; Balā’: 2: 49; 14: 6; 44: 33; 67: 2; 89: 15 and 16.

      Fiṭrah [images] (Nature)


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