Against Smoking. Ahmad al-Rumi al-Aqhisari

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Against Smoking - Ahmad al-Rumi al-Aqhisari

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      27 Intention, fasting, breaking the fast

      28 Tarāwīḥ prayers

      29 Delaying the prayer and breaking the fast

      30 Expiation for breaking the fast

      31 Ramaḍān retreat & Laylat al-Qadr

      32 Ṣadaqat al-fiṭr, the Feasts & innovations

      33 Fasting in Shawwāl

      34 The ten first days of Dhū l-Ḥijja

      35 The sacrifice

      36 Muḥarram and ‘Āshūrā’ fasting

      37 ‘Āshūrā’: traditions and innovations

      38 Curing the sick

      39 Evil & good omens, blameworthy & sunnī

      40 Brotherhood in this world’s affairs

      41 Disasters, repentance and invocations

      42 Repelling disasters with invocations

      43 Praying in case of frights

      44 Prayers for the solar and lunar eclipses

      45 Praying for rain

      46 Learning the prescriptions and Qur’ān

      47 Recitation of the Qur’ān

      48 The call to prayer

      49 The eminence of Friday

      50 Shaking hands

      51 The obligation of prayer

      52 The obligation of praying as prescribed

      53 The five daily prayers and expiation

      54 The eminence of collective prayer

      55 Funeral prayer

      56 Saying Lā ilāha illā Llāh and Paradise

      57 The visitation of tombs

      58 Remembering death and getting ready

      59 The plague and prophylaxis

      60 Patience in case of plague

      61 The eminence of patience and disasters

      62 On the ḥadīth “Collect five things…”

      63 The calling of servants to account

      64 Calling oneself to account before death

      65 Inviting the umma to repent now

      66 On “God accepts the repentance…”

      67 The intelligent and the foolish

      68 Piety (taqwā) and good character

      69 Lawful earnings

      70 The prohibition of monopolies

      71 The fates of traders in the hereafter

      72 Trading, truthfulness and trustfulness

      73 The true nature of usury

      74 Forward buying (salam) & other contracts

      75 Begging

      76 The rights of slaves

      77 The prohibition of homosexuality

      78 The prohibition of drinking wine

      79 The prohibition of cheating (fulūl)

      80 The appearing of troubles (fitna)

      81 Judges, bribes & false testimonies

      82 Who should be appointed preacher

      83 The renewers of the religion, every century

      84 Eminence of greeting another the first

      85 Turning away from a Muslim brother

      86 The prohibition of low opinion and spying

      87 Frequenting perverts and eating with them

      88 The best deed: loving and hating for God

      89 The Prophet’s commands and prohibitions

      90 The preeminence of God’s mercy

      91 “Satan circulates in man like his blood”

      92 Being tempted is not punished

      93 Satan and the angel are close to man

      94 Islam started as something foreign

      95 The grace of good health

      96 Not entering the mosque if smelling bad

      97 What one should not be interested in

      98 Recommendation concerning women

      99 The ḥadīth “Ask for advice of women…”

      100 Women’s obligations

      The pious, rigorist admonitions of the Majālis are thus not primarily intended for a prince or a ruler but, rather, for the petit bourgeois milieu of Ottoman bazaaris, ulema and civil servants. Sometimes however, the reader notices criticisms of the authorities, of their deficiencies or of their excesses. Like several of al-Aqḥiṣārī’s epistles, some chapters of his Majālis also remind one of subjects dealt with by Kātib Çelebi in his Mīzān: the use of music for religious purposes (Majlis XLVII), tobacco (Majlis XCVI–XCVII), innovations (Majlis XVIII, etc.), pilgrimages to tombs (Majlis XVII, LVII), supererogatory prayers (Majlis XIX), shaking hands (Majlis L), enjoining right and forbidding wrong (Majlis LXXXIX), bribery (Majlis LXXXI).

      According to the famous Delhi theologian Shāh ‘Abd al-‘Azīz (d. 1239/1824): “The Book of the Councils of the Pious and the Paths of the Best, on the science of exhortation (wa‘ẓ) and admonition (naṣīḥa), presents many benefits about the secrets of the Sharī‘a prescriptions and about jurisprudence (fiqh), on the subjects of the [spiritual] way and on the topics concerning the refutation of innovations and blameworthy habits.”1 Al-Aqḥiṣārī’s Majālis also offers wonderfully vivid echoes of the societal reality in which he lived, as well as direct manifestations of his own concerns vis-à-vis the evolution of Ottoman Turkey at the beginning of the 11th/17th century and clear insights into the nature of his reformist agenda. It

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