Cinderella. Fawzia Gilani

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Cinderella - Fawzia Gilani

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      After her father died, the stepmother took away Zahra’s beautiful

       clothes and gave her old clothes and rags to wear. Then she took away

       her bedroom and made her sleep in the attic. From that time on Zahra

       was ordered to do all the housework.

      One day, as the poor orphan was tending the fireplace, some live

       cinders fell on her dress and burned holes into it. Trying to put out the

       cinders, she became covered with soot. Her stepsisters began to laugh

       at her. ‘Cinder-ella! Cinder-ella!’ they teased and taunted. After that

       they no longer used her real name, but only called her ‘Cinderella’.


      The orphaned child felt very sad. She missed her mother and father very

       much. She often thought of them. When she prayed, she would make

       special du‘as in sujud. “Du‘as made in sujud reach Allah swiftly,” her mother had told her. “Be patient, my child,” her father had encouraged.

      Cinderella was always patient. She read the Qur’an every day and

       comforted herself with the words of God and stories of God’s Messengers.


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