Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence. Meredith Terretta

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Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence - Meredith Terretta New African Histories

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APD Archives préfectorales de Dschang APN Archives préfectorales de Nkongsamba ATCAM Assemblée territoriale du Cameroun BDC Bloc démocratique camerounais BEDOC Bureau de documentation du haut commissariat BMM Brigade mixte mobile de recherche et d’exploitation opérationnelles BTC Battalion of the Tirailleurs of Cameroon CAOM Centre des archives d’outre-mer CGT Confédération générale du travail CHAN Centre historique des archives nationales CHETOM Centre d’histoire et d’études des troupes d’outre-mer CIDEO Comité international de la défense d’Ernest Ouandié CNO Comité national d’organisation ESOCAM Évolution sociale camerounaise FCFA francs issued by the Communauté financière africaine FLN Front de libération nationale FO Foreign Office FOPROJEUBA Foyer de progrès de la jeunesse de Bayangam FPUP Front populaire pour l’unité et la paix GPRA Gouvernement provisoire de la République algérienne IISH Institute of International Social History ILRM International League of the Rights of Man INDECAM Coordination des indépendants camerounais JDC Jeunesse démocratique du Cameroun JEUCAFRA Jeunesse camerounaise française MACNA Mouvement d’action national MAE Ministère des affaires étrangères MTLD Mouvement pour la triomphe des libertés démocratiques NA National Archives NYPL New York Public Library PCF Parti communiste français PDG Parti démocratique guinéen PMC Permanent Mandates Commission RDA Rassemblement démocratique africain RPC Rassemblement du peuple camerounais SDNK Sinistre de la défense nationale du Kamerun SDECE Service de documentation extérieure et de contre-espionnage SEDOC Service des études de la documentation SMEP Société des missions évangéliques de Paris UC Union camerounaise UCU Usambara Citizens’ Union UDEFEC Union démocratique des femmes camerounaises UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights UDN Union démocratique nigérienne UDS Union démocratique sénégalaise UFC Union des femmes camerounaises UNC Union nationale camerounaise UNGA United Nations General Assembly UNTC United Nations Trusteeship Council UPC Union des populations du Cameroun USCC Union des syndicats confédérés du Cameroun WFDY World Federation of Democratic Youth WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions WIDF Women’s International Democratic Federation ZANLA Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army ZANU–PF Zimbabwe African National Union–Patriotic Front ZOPAC Zone de pacification images

      British Cameroons and western French Cameroon, 1950s. Map by Brian Edward Balsley, GISP.


      Cameroon. Map by Brian Edward Balsley, GISP.


      Layering Nationalism from Local to Global

      In Douala in 2003, I was speaking in French with a Cameroonian woman in her sixties about George W. Bush’s decision to go to war against Iraq. She was from the West Province, or the Bamileke Region, the portion of the Grassfields that fell under French administration from 1919 to 1960.1 She was unschooled but spoke fluent French, pidgin English, and her mother tongue, Medumba. She was against the US invasion and, referring to the United Nations Security Council’s vote against military intervention in Iraq, she said, “But all the other villages did not want to go to war.” Her grandchildren laughed at her use of the term village, but her word choice and the youngsters’ reaction to it revealed a generational, linguistic memory gap.

      She had lived through “the time of troubles,” as Bamileke survivors describe the conflict that, at its beginning, in late 1956, resembled a nationalist war for independence

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