The House of God. Rev. John Peter Bodner

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The House of God - Rev. John Peter Bodner

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Our motive must be right: pray . . . without wrath.

      And the object must be right, too: pray . . . without doubting. When our Savior gave us His pattern for our prayers, He taught us to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first, before anything might be added to us: “Thy Name . . . Thy kingdom . . . Thy will” precedes and puts in perspective “our daily bread . . . our debts . . . our debtors . . . temptation . . . evil.” When we offer our supplications and intercessions “that the Father may be glorified in the Son;” when we can plead the “exceeding great and precious promises” our covenant God gives us for “all things pertaining to life and godliness” which are “yea and amen” in Jesus Christ; when our delight in the Lord governs the desires of our hearts; and when we may trust our dearest desires to His perfect wisdom and love with the words, “nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done”—why then, we surely may pray without doubting (Matt 6:9–13, 33; John 14:13–14; 2 Pet. 1:3–4; 2 Cor 1:19–20; Ps 37:4–5; Luke 22:42).

      To believers who pray “after this manner” come the promises: “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” “Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering” “Whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment, that we should believe on the Name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as He gave us commandment. And he that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him, and he in Him. And hereby we know that He abideth in us, by the Spirit which He hath given us.” “This is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us: and if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him” (Mark 11:24; Jas.1:6–8; 1 John 3:22–24,5:14–15). “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath . . . trust also in Him.”

      28. Faithful Savior Jesus, hear me!

      1 Faithful Savior Jesus, hear me!

      Thee I seek, poor and weak,

      Naked, blind and needy:

      Not my own, but Thine who bought me

      Unto God by Thy Blood.

      For Thy praise and glory!

      2 May Thy grace suffice my weakness,

      Sun and Shield, let me yield

      To Thy Word in meekness

      Humbly I would wait upon Thee:

      Strength renew, will and do

      All Thy pleasure through me!

      3 Let Thy gracious Holy Spirit,

      Dwell within, purging sin,

      By Thy Blood and merit:

      To our Father’s praise redounding

      Make me blest; righteousness

      Joy and peace abounding!

      4 Thus conformed to Thee in suffering,

      Pain and loss, trial and cross,

      Make my life an offering

      Outpoured in Thy service wholly

      To Thy praise, all my days,

      Blameless, spotless, holy!

      8.6.6. D.

      Preparatory Reading: Old Testament: Exodus 4; New Testament: Matthew 28 Psalm: 28

      1 Timothy 2:8–10

      8I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. 9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

      I will . . . that men pray . . . in like manner also that women: The women pray too! For in Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female—we are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ; all one in Christ Jesus (Gal 3:26–28). The New Testament Church, like the Old Testament Church, must have men, women, and children all gathered before God to hear the Book of God, to worship, and to pray (Deut 31:9–18; Neh 8). The Twelve preached our Master, and the women followed to minister to Him (Luke 8:1–3). The Lord Jesus visited Bethany; there Martha served, and Mary sat at His feet to hear His word (Luke 10:39–42). Men and women added to the Church, baptized into Christ alike, continue in the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers—sharing the common priesthood of believers (Acts 2:41–42; 8:12; 1 Pet. 2:1–10). Brethren and sisters alike share the same tribulations for the testimony of Christ (Acts 8:3–4; Rev. 1:9). The household of faith embraces all members of the family who believe, so the Apostle has distinct instructions for husbands, wives, parents, children, young men, virgins and widows (Eph 5–6; 1 Cor 7; 1 Tim. 5; Tit. 2). In like manner . . . women are numbered with the redeemed of the Lord according to the election of grace. In like manner also: that is, as these women share in the prayers of the Church. Whether they may participate vocally or simply share the men’s prayers in silence, these women do pray, and will pray alongside the men of the congregation (Acts 1:13–14). They share in the primary obligation of public worship to offer “first of all . . . prayers” (2:1). In like manner to the men as well, these sisters must prepare their hearts for prayer, and their hearts will be revealed and expressed in the dress and demeanor of the whole person. Women in Christ, like all women adorn themselves and here the tree is known by its fruit. Sinful, fallen, worldly woman values the superficial, the sensual, the self-centered beauty she attains by what she gets: braided hair, gold, pearls, costly array. Saved, redeemed women professing godliness value the “hidden beauty of the heart” revealed by what they give in good works. They can express their freedom and dignity in modest apparel, shamefacedness and sobriety. Abundant life in Christ needs not the abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15; John 10:9–10). The “beautiful people” God knows are not in the salons, but in Church.

      29. Thou Art All Fair, My Love!

      1 “Thou art all fair, my Love!”

      His Spouse, the Bridegroom greets;

      Their union, once-espoused,

      Communion now completes:

      “Thou art all fair, my Love!”

      Th’eternal Prince of peace

      Enfolds His chosen Bride,

      Despite her sin-scarred face.

      2 “Thou art all fair, my Love!”

      The scorching sun revealed

      Her shame, but in His eyes,

      She stands in mercy veiled.

      “Thou art all fair, my Love!”

      His banner o’er her spread,

      Within His banquet-house,

      They share the wine and bread.

      3 “Thou art all fair,

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