The House of God. Rev. John Peter Bodner

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The House of God - Rev. John Peter Bodner

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Thou who hast commanded the light the shine out of darkness

      Hast shined in our hearts to give us the knowledge of Thy glory

      In the face of Jesus Christ.

      That which was from the beginning, even the eternal Life

      That was with Thee, O God, that with Thee is God,

      Seen, heard, handled, witnessed

      The Word made flesh—God manifest in the flesh

      Is declared to us by the Apostles;

      That we also might have fellowship with Thee

      And with Thy Son Jesus:

      These things are written that our joy might be full.

      We have received the Gospel

      How that Christ died for our sins

      according to the Scriptures,

      That He was buried and rose again the third day

      according to the Scriptures;

      For thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and to rise

      That repentance and remission of sins be preached in His Name

      To all nations,

      Preaching Jesus beginning at the same Scriptures.

      And we have known these Holy Scriptures

      Which are able to make us wise to salvation

      Through faith that is in Christ Jesus:

      We, even we who once were without God

      and without hope in the world

      are now built together a very habitation of God by the Spirit

      founded upon the Apostles and Prophets,

      Jesus Christ Himself the chief cornerstone.

      We come to Thee, O Lord Jesus,

      For to whom else can we go?

      Thou hast these words of eternal life!

      We believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ,

      The Son of the living God!

      We sit and hear Thy Word now at Thy feet,

      Prince and Savior

      Angel of the Covenant

      In whom we delight:

      Show us now what is noted in the Scripture of truth!

      No Scripture has come by private interpretation;

      But holy men spake as they were moved of the Holy Ghost:

      We beseech Thee then, Lord Jesus,

      Pray the Father, that He send us the Comforter, the Holy Ghost

      To lead us into all truth,

      To bring to remembrance whatsoever Thou hast said

      To glorify Thee!

      Come to us Thyself, in Him:Open the Scriptures and expound in them all

      The things concerning Thyself

      In the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms,

      In the Gospels, the Epistles and the Revelation,

      Till our hearts burn within us:

      Let Thy words abide in us,

      That we may abide in Thee.

      Open our understanding

      That we may understand the Scriptures, and search the Scriptures

      For in them we have eternal life, and these testify of The.

      Grant us to fulfill Thy royal Law according to the Scripture

      And be blessed in knowing these things as we do them.

      Give us in patience and comfort of the Scriptures

      To have hope

      For whatsoever things were written aforetime

      Were written for our learning.

      Make us mighty in the Scriptures,

      To know our God, and do exploits for Him:

      Sanctify us by Thy truth

      Leave us not to be drawn away with the errors of the wicked

      Who know neither the Scriptures nor Thy power,

      But grow in grace and knowledge of Thee,

      Our Lord and Savior.

      Leave us not a prey to the unlearned and unstable

      Which wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction,

      And know neither what they say nor whereof they affirm.

      Open our eyes to behold wondrous things out of Thy Law,

      And to see no man but Jesus only,

      To believe the Scripture, and the Word which Jesus spake,

      For the Spirit of prophecy is

      The Word God and the testimony of Jesus Christ

      Let Thy mercies come also unto us, O Lord

      Even Thy salvation, according to Thy Word.

      We ask all this in His Name.

      May we receive, and our joy be full.

      Let His Name endure as the sun,

      And let the whole earth be filled with His glory!

      Amen, and Amen.

      2. One, Living True, Eternal God

      1 One living, true, eternal God

      With heart and voice do we confess

      Creator of the heavens abroad

      And earth around, forever blest!

      2 “God is:”

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