Participating Witness. Anthony G. Siegrist

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Participating Witness - Anthony G. Siegrist Princeton Theological Monograph Series

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related to this project, about the doctrine of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Though Luther rejected descriptions dependent on Aristotelian metaphysics, he opposed Zwingli’s more radical approach. For Luther the concept of promise was central to his understanding of the sacraments. In The Babylonian Captivity he argues that even though all of Scripture can be described as either a command or a promise, “[I]t has seemed proper to restrict the name of sacrament to those promises which have signs attached to them.”18 Ultimately, this means that there are only two sacraments. In this same text Luther rejects the traditional sacramental assumption that the sacraments are effective in themselves, ex opera operato, or “by the work performed,” because he believes that a sacrament is only effective if it is received in faith.19 Despite these and other ways in which Luther revised sacramental theology, for contemporary Lutherans it remains of paramount importance that God acts “in, with, and under” these rites. David Yeago further explains this axiom: “On the one hand, the reality of the sacraments cannot be accounted for simply in terms of their efficacy as human communal acts of verbal and more-than-verbal communication; in the sacrament, we encounter the present saving action of God. On the other hand, this action of God is not separable from the ceremonial action of the community; it is indeed through the public significance of what the church does that the action of God becomes concretely identifiable and experienceable, and so draws us into lived communion with God.”20 The agency of the church and the agency of God are inseparable since the church makes the sign apparent and God grants that which is signified.

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