Living without Justice. Loren R. Fisher

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Living without Justice - Loren R. Fisher

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bring back some of those first feelings.”

      “You had some ‘first feelings’? I thought I was the one with the ‘first feelings.’ In fact, your beauty caused a lump in my throat or rather a pain; I could not speak for a moment.”

      “I thought you were just bashful. I was serving you the melon, and I was interested in the notes you were taking during my father’s conversation with Khety and your father. But I was also interested in talking with you, and yes, I did have some strange feelings. These feelings were repeated a few years ago when we met in Jerusalem, but I never said much about them in the few letters I wrote.”

      “Perhaps we were both too busy to write much, but I have never forgotten you. When you were here before, I remember that you met Rachel.”

      “Yes. And I was always certain that you would marry her.”

      “That is what most people thought, but Rachel and I have both realized that we are like siblings. By the way, she will marry a fine student by the name of Samuel. She told me that when she met Samuel she could not understand the feeling; she called it love. That is when I knew that my feelings for you should be called love, but I was afraid. I thought, ‘Sharmila has probably met a “Samuel” by now.’ That is why I wrote, and when I received your letter, I shouted for joy.”

      “What you didn’t understand is that I had already met my ‘Samuel,’ and his name is Naam, and I love him.”

      With that I took her into my arms, and we kissed.

      “Perhaps the melon was not needed,” she said, “but I brought it all the way from Beth-shan. We should eat the melon.”

      “That old familiar pain is in my throat, and I think I need some melon.”

      We kissed again, and we both ate; from the same piece of melon we ate.

      “My throat is better. The melon helped.”

      “Are you sure it was the melon?”

      “I am only sure of one thing: you are beyond compare, and as the sages would say, ‘your worth is far beyond that of rubies.’ I suggest that we take the rest of the melon in the house for your folks, and I will see you in the morning.”


      Joel, Jacob, and I got up early, and we worked for a time in Tamar’s garden. From across the road, we could also smell Pidray’s bread baking. It did not take long for us to agree to follow the aroma to its source. As we entered the courtyard Abdi-anati welcomed us, saying to me, “As soon as we have had something to eat, we should leave for Jerusalem. I want to talk with your father today. Joel and Jacob can stay and help Pidray fix a few things around here. Huraya will stay and help her mother, and I know that Sharmila will want to come with us.”

      “That sounds like a great plan.”

      “I thought you would like it.”

      “I do, but I need to talk with your wife about some other plans.”

      I went into the house and spoke with Pidray. “My mother, Keziah, Tamar, and Sarah want to have a party out here for you and your family. When I return this evening, I will be able to tell you when it will be. Right now I am guessing it will be in two days, but I can tell you for certain tonight. They will bring lots of food. In the meantime, you should feel free to use Tamar’s garden.”

      “Thank you. I will be glad to meet the others. Now, you should call everyone, and we will eat.”

      Before I left the house, I met Sharmila near the door. We looked at each other but did not kiss. She asked me if my throat felt better. I said, “I think it is worse.”

      Then I called the others in for breakfast. Abdi-anati, Sharmila, and I finished first. We were ready to go to Jerusalem, so Sharmila and I went out to the road but we had to wait a few moments for Abdi-anati to gather up some documents and put them in his pack. So I confessed to Sharmila, “I really don’t know what to do. You have said that you loved me, and I love you. I want to marry you, but how will it work out? When? Where? And should I keep my feelings for you from your family?”

      “My family knows about our feelings for each other. They have known for some time, and their knowledge was confirmed last night by our happy faces. As to your questions, I also want to marry but don’t worry. We will figure it out. We were both fourteen when we met at Beth-shan. That was six years ago. We can take a few more days to make our plans. In the meantime, let’s enjoy our time together on our walk this morning. My father will not object if you hold my hand.”

      “And let me add that my family also knows that I am in love with you. It will be great to show our smiling faces to them as well.”

      We had a nice walk, and when we arrived in Jerusalem, I took Abdi-anati directly to father’s office. Then Sharmila and I went to the house to see mother.

      Mother was home, expecting us, but Elissa and Ruth were disappointed that Huraya was not with us. Mother sighed, “Don’t worry girls. You will get to meet her in two days.”

      Mother embraced Sharmila and asked her about her mother and sister. Sharmila said that everyone enjoyed the trip, and they were impressed with the accommodations. Looking at her lovingly, mother said, “I hope that two days will give everyone enough rest, and that you will all be ready for our party.”

      “Everyone will be rested, and we will look forward to it,” Sharmila assured her.

      Mother continued, “You both look like you are having a good time. You should sit down at the table, and we will try some of Elissa’s raisin cakes.”

      “Since we ate early this morning, this is just what I need,” I said. “And mother, you have always had a sharp eye. Sharmila and I are having a great time. In fact, I know that these next few days are going to be precious, but they will be gone faster than the morning dew.”

      “True,” said Sharmila. “But remember the morning dew is essential for growth and maturity.”

      “Right. That works for the grapes, but for me I don’t know. I’ll try to be positive. Mother, I want to show Sharmila around Jerusalem. We will be back in time for lunch. And Elissa, thanks for the treats.”

      “You are welcome, my dear brother, and I am willing to help you show Sharmila around Jerusalem.”

      “That will not be necessary, my dear sister.”

      Sharmila added her thanks, and we left hand-in-hand. After taking a quick look at David’s palace, Sharmila asked, “Can we climb that hill just to the east? I would like to find a nice place to sit, and we could just view the city from up there.”

      I agreed to her plan, and it did not take long. We walked down by the Gihon spring and into the valley. It did not take long to climb to the top of the ridge, and looking west the view was magnificent.

      “Good idea,” I said. “I get caught up in the city and in my work. I do not come up here for the overview, as I should. Because of my studies, I know we are surrounded by a big world, but I need to see it. Magon, our teacher from Tyre, says that the world seems bigger when you live by the Great Sea.”

      “He is right. I have been to Tyre with my father, and I had a similar experience.”

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