A Pastoral Proposal for an Evangelical Theology of Freedom. Albert J.D. Walsh

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A Pastoral Proposal for an Evangelical Theology of Freedom - Albert J.D. Walsh

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to obedience to God through confirmation of and conformation to the Torah. This will be considered under the rubric of a proleptic recapitulation of graced freedom for humanity, which is the purpose behind the call of God to and establishment of Israel as a people—an ekklēsia. In this chapter we will take a close and careful look at some of the prophetic literature as the word disclosing the intention of God for the ekklēsia as a communion whose purpose is fulfilled only and insofar as she declares the gospel of God and demonstrates the graced freedom bestowed by God as a freedom for humanity.

      Chapter three will open an exploration of the New Testament, beginning with a discussion of the central importance of the characters of John the Baptist and Mary the mother of Christ as primary witnesses to that form of graced freedom which is the essential mark of anthropos as God created it to be, and as lives demonstrating the essential characteristics of graced freedom in their life-transformed testimony to what is to be revealed in Christ. Both John and Mary offer clear evidence of, again, a proleptic manifestation of that form of graced freedom to which one bears definitive and prophetic witness, and the other unequivocal ontological witness. As an added benefit, we are hopeful that the discussion of Mary, as theotokos, will once again provide her with the place she is, regrettably, too often denied in much of Protestant theology.

      In Chapter four we turn our attention to the writings of the Apostle Paul and to selections from the Pastoral Epistles as well. It will be argued that the writings of the Apostle, and select Pastorals, are informed and shaped throughout by a clear and concise evangelical theology of freedom for humanity. This evangelical theology for humanity is not to be thought of as a replacement for the essential focus of faith in God; rather, because this is graced freedom, it can recognize, acknowledge, honor, and promote no other basis for such freedom save that which God and God alone has made possible. The evangelical theology of graced freedom annunciated by Paul and others is the dramatic proclamation of that Word which, under the power of the Holy Spirit, becomes event and as event makes possible the beginning of such ontological freedom for those who both hear and receive him who is this graced freedom incarnate, and give their lives to obedience, worship, and service.

      In Chapter five we turn attention to the Book of Revelation as the paradigmatic text par excellance for the development of a theology of freedom for humanity. All strange imagery and apocalyptic conceptualizations aside, this narrative is a wonderfully prophetic affirmation of that graced freedom Christ came to assert as the basis for genuine anthropos. The fact that John has placed this futuristic scenario in direct relation to current issues facing a persecuted and de-humanized population and ekklēsia in his own time, is fruitful for the development of a theology of freedom that looks to the future, as well as the past and present. The Book of Revelation cannot be properly appreciated as theological proclamation of genuine freedom, as a gift of grace, so long as it remains encumbered with the silly and presumptuous forms of interpretation made popular in contemporary media; what we hope to provide is a far more faithful and profoundly hopeful engagement with this same biblical material.

      Chapter six will cover, what we consider to be, novel terrain; in this chapter we will contemplate those ways in which an evangelical theology of freedom for humanity, in order to speak to the catholic ekklēsia, must be ecumenical in character—or at the very least, speak to what could reasonably be considered ecumenical concerns. We will also suggest those ways in which an evangelical theology of freedom for humanity could play a role in advancing the present impasse in the ecumenical endeavor, by revisiting the role of the ekklēsia as the free community of freed persons, seeking greater freedom for the whole of humanity.

      In the Conclusion we will summarize the argument made throughout this essay and provide indications—hints, if you will—to those ways in which this particular proposal for an evangelical theology of freedom could shape and inform the services to Christ as offered by the one who is in preparation to hold, or currently holds, the pastoral office.


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