Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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sorrow and unrighteousness are in its midst,

      11. and usury and fraud have not departed from its streets.

      12. For if an enemy had reproached me,

      I would have endured it,

      and if one who hated me had spoken boastfully against me,

      I would have hid myself from him.

      13. But you, O like-minded soul, my guide, my intimate friend!

      14. Who in companionship did sweeten my meals!

      In the house of God, we used to walk in unanimity!

      15. Let death come upon them,

      and let them go down alive into Hades;

      because there was wickedness in their dwellings,

      even in the midst of them.

      16. I cried out to God,

      and the Lord hearkened to me.

      Evening, morning and noon I shall declare and proclaim,

      and the Lord shall hearken to my voice.

      Psalm 56

      1. Have mercy upon me, O God, be merciful to me,

      for my soul has trusted in you;

      and in the shadow of your wings

      I will hope,

      until this iniquity passes away.

      2. I will cry to God the Most High,

      to the God who has been kind to me . . .

      5. Be exalted above the heavens, O God,

      and let your glory be over

      all the earth . . .

      7. My heart, O God is ready,

      my heart is ready:

      I will sing, indeed, I will sing Psalms.

      8. Awake my glory;

      awake psaltery and harp:

      I will awake early.

      9. I will give thanks to you among the peoples, O Lord,

      I will sing to you in the midst

      of the nations.

      10. For your mercy has been magnified even to the heavens,

      and your truth exalted even to the clouds.

      11. Be exalted above the heavens,

      O God,

      and let your glory be over all the earth!

      Psalm 60

      1. Hearken, O God, to my supplication,

      attend to my prayer.

      2. From the ends of the earth I have cried to you,

      when my heart was despondent, you lifted me up on a rock.

      3. You guided me because you were

      my hope,

      a tower of strength in the face

      of the enemy.

      4. I shall dwell in your tabernacle forever,

      I shall take shelter in the cover

      of your wings.

      5. For you, O God, have heard

      my prayers;

      you have granted an inheritance to those who fear your name.

      6. You will add days upon days to the king’s reign,

      and extend his years to generation after generation.

      7. He will continue forever in the presence of God.

      Who will seek out his mercy and truth?

      8. Thus I will sing to your name forever and ever,

      that I may, day after day, fulfill my vows.

      Psalm 62

      1. O God, my God, I cry to you early in the morning;

      my soul has thirsted for you,

      how often has my flesh longed for you,

      in a barren and trackless desert.

      2. Thus have I appeared before you in the sanctuary,

      to contemplate your power

      and your glory.

      3. Because your mercy is better than life,

      my lips shall render you praise.

      4. Thus I will bless you

      throughout my life,

      and in your name I will lift

      up my hands.

      5. Let my soul be filled as with marrow and fatness,

      that my joyful lips may

      praise your name.

      6. Inasmuch as I remembered you upon my bed,

      in the early hours I have meditated upon you.

      7. For you have been my helper,

      and in the shelter of your wings

      I will rejoice.

      8. My soul has clung closely to you;

      your right hand has supported me.

      9. But as for those who sought my life in vain,

      they shall descend into the depths

      of the earth.

      10. They shall be delivered up to the edge of the sword,

      they shall become morsels

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