Worship Beyond Nationalism. Rob Hewell

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Worship Beyond Nationalism - Rob Hewell

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in the Spirit-life of Christ’s followers is the need to be connected to other Christ-followers. We are incomplete without one another; our common faith is collectively more than our personal devotion. The service of the body is a greater witness than the efforts of any one part by itself.

      There is, then, an incarnational liturgical vibrancy for followers of Christ as agents of God’s kingdom in the world. Without this liturgical agency on behalf of the world, liturgical expression in communal gathering for worship is incomplete. The two do not diverge one from the other; the liturgy lived in the world for the sake of Christ is a fulfillment of the liturgical celebration of God’s supreme worth and eternal redemptive activity.

      Practicing the Reign

      The fullness of the concept of liturgy must be reclaimed for the sake of wholeness of the gospel. If allowed to regain its fullness, this term can create space within which Christ’s followers can encounter, respond to, and participate in Christ’s claims upon all realms of life and creation. Liturgy can encompass a wide range of practices in which Christ’s followers participate. From its earliest days to the present, the church has nurtured a rich heritage of various practices intended to enliven the faith.

      These kingdom-focused worship practices are interwoven into the pages that follow The purpose is to clearly sound the urgency of the demanding yet necessary endeavor of faithfulness in all things—and in particular to the church’s witness through its allegiance, affections, and actions.

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