Had Eve Come First and Jonah Been a Woman. Nancy Werking Poling

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Had Eve Come First and Jonah Been a Woman - Nancy Werking Poling

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like being the daughter of an important man, I like standing near him while he speaks to the people. God is with you in all that you do, I heard a man tell him once.

      It must be nearly morning, but I have not been able to sleep at all, I am so excited. Mother does not want me to go. She said it is too long a trip for a child, but Father said I am hardly a child any more, I am almost a woman. He winked at me when he said it, because we all know I am not really almost a woman.

      Get a good night’s sleep, Father told me before I went to bed. I am trying hard to do what he said.

      I hear people moving around. It is still dark but the servants are getting everything ready, and I hear Father telling them what to do. Telling them what food to pack for our trip.

      I am going to get up.

      Mother sets bread and goat cheese in front of me, but I push the food away. I want us to be on our way. I want to help Father make the sacrifice.

      It is barely daylight when we leave for the mountain. I sit on the donkey in front of him. I do not fear falling off while our bodies bounce up and down, because he has wrapped his arms around me. I know he will not let anything bad happen to me. We talk as we ride, and he makes jokes, which I laugh at. Then I make jokes too, and he laughs. Behind us two servants carry our provisions. And the wood for the sacrifice.

      I am sleepy. With Father’s arms wrapped around me, while we bounce up and down, I fall asleep.

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