Sermons of Arthur C. McGill. Arthur C. McGill

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Sermons of Arthur C. McGill - Arthur C. McGill Theological Fascinations

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and often minuscule hand. He was about his own present, pressing, and remarkable intellectual adventures. Still, the paper clips attaching little sheets to larger sheets to note cards in sometimes thick and puzzling disarray are thwarting. And the abbreviations . . .

      McGill uses different translations of scripture, the King James Version (identified in the text as KJV), the Revised Standard Version (RSV), and, quite often, The New English Bible (NEB). Sometimes there seems to be no exact fit, and no translation is designated. The version may well be MM = McGill’s Memory. When a text is indicated but not quoted by McGill, the RSV is used—unless McGill’s words operate off of another translation.

      David Cain

      University of Mary Washington

      “The categorical answer is no.” William Stringfellow, An Ethic for Christians and Other Aliens in a Strange Land (1973; reprinted, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2004), 155.


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