The topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts. James R. McConnell

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The topos of Divine Testimony in Luke-Acts - James R. McConnell

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Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche

      1 • Introduction

      Purpose of the Analysis

      History of Research


      OT Citations and References

      Given this christology in Luke-Acts, Bock then speculates as to what Luke’s purposes might have been for creating this image of Jesus. His conclusion is that Luke is attempting to erase any doubts that may exist in his auditors’ minds concerning the way in which Jesus’ death is part of the βουλή τοῦ θεοῦ. Also, Bock argues that Luke is attempting to reassure his audience that the mission to the Gentiles is also a part of God’s overall plan for the salvation of all human beings.

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