The Hebrew Prophets after the Shoah. Hemchand Gossai

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The Hebrew Prophets after the Shoah - Hemchand Gossai

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and the devil, between the martyrs and their torturers.”25

      Memory and Shame

      There have been instances in which those who have been the victims of injustice or oppression have survived and have themselves gained power, proceed to perpetuate the cycle of violence. Victims having had the experience of what it means to be oppressed and who lived under tyranny cannot in turn become oppressors, particularly under the guidance of, and relationship with the God who delivers them from, and breaks the bonds of oppression and injustice. In this regard, one reflects on the major infra-structural undertaking by Solomon, including the building of the Temple and the manner in which the success of such a massive enterprise eventuated. Slave labor of the Hebrews by the Pharaoh was such a bane that the memory of it has lingered in the consciousness to this day and it is surely one of the defining moments in the life of ancient Israel. Yet, once again, either there is a lapse in memory at the highest level or a disregard of the lessons and experiences of history. In order to build extensively, Solomon conscripted his people and so engineered a new era of forced labor, and from all indication, those who were the principal workers were his people, those with little power to avoid such conscription. As we are aware today, those with power have the voice and position to avoid such conscription for reasons that may not be accessible to all. Certainly in ancient Israel, not everyone was viewed equally. The fact is, forgetfulness has devastating consequences, because we are destined to repeat our mistakes and have no context from which to understand the consequences of our actions. In forgetting what is central, two elements are to be noted. First, forgetfulness shifts the focus of our attention and core conviction to other now privileged idols in a sort of hedonism. The prophet Hosea pronounces:

      Israel has forgotten his Maker, and built palaces;

      and Judah has multiplied fortresses;

      but I will send a fire upon his cities,

      See, the former things have now come to pass,

      and new things I now declare;

      before they spring forth,

      I tell you of them.

      Sing to the LORD a new song,

      They acted shamefully, they committed abominations;


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