The Perspective of Love. R. J. Snell

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The Perspective of Love - R. J. Snell

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of human authenticity—an account of natural law rooted in value. Rather than denying the Protestant objections, I provide a non-abstract, non-conceptualist account of the natural law that (1) incorporates the Protestant objections, (2) avoids the usual philosophical problems, and (3) allows a normative and publically accessible account of human flourishing genuinely adequate to human nature.

      This is natural law in a new mode, the mode and perspective of love.


      My recollection is dim, but I seem to remember Wendell Berry writing that a person’s life is best judged by the gratitude owed to others. If that’s true, I’ve a good life developing, for I’m indebted to many, and I gratefully acknowledge the support of my colleagues at Eastern University, the Templeton Honors College, the Agora Institute, and many students, friends, and colleagues, especially Drew Alexander, Kate Bresee, Phil Cary, Austin Detwiler, Jeff Dill, Nate Farris, Kelly Hanlon, Sarah Moon, Amy Richards, and Jonathan Yonan. Also, Brad Wilson, Robert George, and the James Madison Program kindly included me in several working groups that clarified my thought; Pat Byrne, Kerry Cronin, Fred Lawrence, Susan Legere, and others involved with the Lonergan Center at Boston College generously provided time and space for several months of research; the Earhart Foundation supported early aspects of the work; Ryan Miller, Gilles Mongeau, and Jeremy Wilkins introduced me to the work of Martin Rhonheimer at a Lonergan Workshop. Finally, but most importantly, if we cannot live without love, then that little outpost of the Church that is my family has given me life—especially, and always, Amy.

      Natural Law, Modes of Meaning, and Contemporary Disputes

      A Brief Introduction

      More particularly, while Hart’s objection rests on the force and persuasiveness of Hume’s is/ought distinction as negating Aristotelian final causality, commitment to which,

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