At Peace with War. Harold Ristau

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At Peace with War - Harold Ristau

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the Gentile woman in the Gospel reflect that heart of God when she boldly spoke, “Yes Lord, but even the dogs take the crumbs from the master’s table’’ (Matthew 15:27)—and so was praised? Is not the Gospel about God coming down to serve us, undeserving as we are, and save us? Is that dynamic different now after the resurrection and ascension of Christ, or does He continue to operate in the same way through the divine liturgy and sacraments? These are some of the wondrous jewels that I have discovered in the repentance over my neglect of a healthy prayer life. What a remarkable God we have! The lessons learned in our sinfulness are as precious as those learned in saintliness.

      Our Father who art in heaven, who gives us a Spirit that “prays without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17), teach me to value the gift of prayer and come to You often in petition and praise, not as a burdensome task and work of the Law, but as a liberating privilege and celebration of the Gospel; through our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ, who intercedes for us always before the heavenly courts, Amen.

      October 31

      As a chaplain serving in the Roman Catholic context of French Canada, amongst cultural Catholics whose worldviews often maintain the worst elements of religion, sometimes I get the feeling that soldiers take me as a superstitious lucky charm. I compare myself to a rabbit foot. From an operational perspective, the CoC is supportive of whatever stabilizes the guys to help them get their jobs done. If a chaplain’s presence achieves that, then all the better. I remember once leaving a FOB for a few days and after returning, one soldier said to me, “Padre, all hell broke lose when you were gone,” while another insisted that there were “more contacts and firing than usual.” In reality, the level of threat had not changed a bit. Rather, their perception was that, when the priest leaves, so does God. Accordingly, they were more sensitive to a spiritual isolation and vulnerability during my absence. At first I was slightly offended by the idea. As a Lutheran I am opposed to superstition, views of an impersonal God, and any doctrine inculcating a soteriological hierarchy expressing divine favouritism among people. However, after some further reflection, it offends me less. The superstition that underpins their desire for a chaplain with them impressed upon me the importance and the impact of chaplain, or pastoral presence, amongst the troops. Although the majority would not consider themselves religious, they hold on tightly to a belief that we really do carry something significant and unique. On some level, these superstitious and “spiritually immature” soldiers understand that God is “tabernacling” among them (John 1:14). When they ask me to bless their rings, chains or other trinkets, I use it as an opportunity to educate them about the living God. Would I like each one to believe that they too can possess the Holy Spirit, be a tent of our compassionate God, and acknowledge a priesthood that allows them equal access to the holy things of God? Absolutely. But we all need to start somewhere. And, furthermore, it usually takes a prophet to make a priest.

      Jehovah God, our Mighty Fortress, on this Day of the Lutheran Reformation, I praise You for the advancement of the Gospel around the world through missionaries, pastors and chaplains. May each and every Christian boldly proclaim Your saving Word to those among whom they are asked to “tabernacle;” through our Rock and Redeemer Christ the Lord, Amen.

      November 8

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