Church Government According to the Bible. Simon V. Goncharenko

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Church Government According to the Bible - Simon V. Goncharenko

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_fb8d9a41-daa8-5b79-889c-714c313607fd">20. Garrett, “Congregation-Led Church,” 172, emphasis Garrett’s. This is the view that Garrett himself endorses.


      Key Terms and Polity Models

      Among the concepts that need to be defined at this point are such articles as sufficiency of Scripture, church polity, and hermeneutics. The success of any foregoing discussion can be greatly impeded when writer and reader find themselves operating with different meanings of the terms. Outlined below, then, are the definitions of some of the most common concepts discussed in this work.

      Definition of Terminology

      Sufficiency of Scripture

      Church Polity


      Our Main Focus

      Because our understanding of church polity is directly related to our position on the following hermeneutical principles, it is my contention that the way to the multiple-elder congregationalism as the most biblically defensible form of church government lies through a position for the above-mentioned principles that is in line with the teachings and general intent of the word of God, as follows: (1) Scripture reigns over tradition; (2) literal interpretation is the best way of understanding the Bible consistently; (3) the New Testament church originated at Pentecost; (4) the offices of apostle and prophet were the foundation blocks of the spiritual building—the church; (5) the offices of elder, overseer, and pastor are interchangeable in nature and function; (6) application of any biblical passage and principle must follow interpretation. Conversely, a disregard for the above-mentioned six principles will yield a church government structure that does not comply with the biblical ideal, does

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