Conjugal Rights. Rachel Jean-Baptiste

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Conjugal Rights - Rachel Jean-Baptiste New African Histories

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African histories)

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-0-8214-2119-2 (hc : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8214-2120-8

      (pb : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8214-4503-7 (pdf)

      1. Marriage—Gabon—Libreville—History. 2. Divorce—Gabon—Libreville—History. 3. Sex—Gabon—Libreville—History. 4. Customary law—Gabon—Libreville—History. 5. Gabon—History—1839–1960. I. Title. II. Series: New African histories series.

      HQ694.9.J43 2014



       In memory of Lumen and Emanuel Georges and Melanie and Pierre Jean-Baptiste


       List of Illustrations


       Introduction Narrating a History of Domestic Life, Sexuality, Being, and Feeling in Urban Africa


       Chapter 1 Sexual Economy in the Era of Trade and Politics: The Founding of Libreville, 1849–1910

       Chapter 2 Planning, Protest, and Prostitution: Libreville in the Era of Timber, 1910–1929

       Part II LIBREVILLE’S GROWTH, 1930–1960

      Chapter 3 Migration and Governance: The Expansion of Libreville

       Chapter 4 The Bridewealth Economy: Money and Relationships of Affinity

      Chapter 5 Jurisprudence: Marriage and Divorce Law

      Chapter 6 “Faire Bon Ami” (To Be Good Friends): Sex, Pleasure, and Punishment

      Chapter 7 “A Black Girl Should Not Be with a White Man”: Interracial Sex, African Women, and Respectability






       I.1 Gabon

       1 .1 Mpongwé Settlement in the Gabon Estuary, Mid-Nineteenth Century

       2 .1 Administrative Division of Gabon, 1916

       3 .1 Libreville’s African Neighborhoods, ca. 1957


       2 .1 Population of the City of Libreville, 1912–1929

       3 .1 Population of the City of Libreville, 1931–1938

       3 .2 Population of the Subdivision of Libreville, 1931–1938

       3 .3 Population of the City of Libreville, 1939–1960

       3 .4 Population of the Subdivision of Libreville, 1939–1955

       3 .5 Marital Status by Ethnicity and Gender of Inhabitants of the Subdivision of Libreville, 1944

       4 .1 Fang Bridewealth in Years of Timber Laborer Salary

       4 .2 Median Fang Bridewealth in Years of Timber Laborer Salary

       4 .3 Marriage Loans from the De Gaulle Marriage Loan Fund

       5 .1 Colonial Native Court System, 1927–1939

       5 .2 Categories of Legal Complaints in Divorce Disputes

       6 .1 Polygamous and Monogamous Marriage Rates, Subdivision of Libreville, 1944


       2 .1 Village of Louis, ca. 1900

       2 .2 Maritime Boulevard, ca. 1927

       2 .3 Bastille Day celebration, 1929

       3 .1 House on stilts, ca. 1950s

       6 .1 Simone Agnoret Iwenga St. Denis, husband, and child, ca. 1950s

       6 .2 A man and his copine, ca. 1950s

       7 .1 Mpongwé women and French military personnel, ca. 1950s

       7 .2 A métis woman and child, ca. 1950s

      I received tremendous financial, intellectual, and emotional support from varied institutions and people in completing this book. Fellowships from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Department of Education’s Foreign Language and Area Studies Program, and the Fulbright Program supported fieldwork

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