Solving for X. Robert B. Shaw

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Solving for X - Robert B. Shaw Hollis Summers Poetry Prize

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The End of the Sonnet

      A word was missing from his fourteenth line.

      He mused on how much easier it would be

      if one could still wedge an apostrophe

      in “over,” or if cattle still were kine,

      when he was yanked away from his design:

      his daughter’s kitten, too far up a tree,

      had to be rescued. Undelightedly

      he undertook to grapple with white pine,

      up in whose jutting plumes of needles clung

      that tiny fright incarnate and enfurred.

      He got it down. His daughter’s satisfaction

      was ample, quick, and real. His forearm stung

      with scratches, but his brain hummed with a word

      found on a high branch, fathered by distraction.

      He’s finished tacking up the Christmas garland

      so it arrays the Parish Hall at one end,

      loops of glistering tinsel off a rafter.

      Nagged by Sunday School teachers, none of whom

      could reach to do it, he brought up his ladder

      and hammered through their bicker of suggestions

      to pin the swags the way he damn well wanted.

      Under this job tomorrow an eight-year-old

      boy, a seven-year-old girl will cradle

      a large, diapered baby doll between them,

      while shepherds of the same age, some of them

      notorious brats, stand burlap-clad with canes,

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