A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855–1991. Bahru Zewde

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A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855–1991 - Bahru Zewde Eastern African Studies

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of the commanders on the northern front in 1935–1936

       4.3. An Ethiopian soldier leaving for the Ogaden front bids farewell to his relatives, November 1935

       4.4. Ras Abbaba Aragay, most renowned leader of the Reststance in Shawa

       4.5. Ras Emeru Hayla-Sellase, commander of the Shere front in 1935–1936, and leader of the Black Lion Resistance operations in south-western Ethiopia

       4.6. Ras Dasta Damtaw, commander of the southern front in 1935–1936

       4.7 and 4.8. Moments before and after the attempt on the life of the Italian viceroy, Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, in Addis Ababa, 19 February 1937

       4.9. Shawaragad Gadle, an undercover patriot instrumental in the storming of the Italian stronghold at Addis Alam

       4.10. Dr Alamawarq Bayyana, president of the Black Lion Resistance organization

       5.1. Qagnaw, the United States base at Asmara established following the Ethio-US Treaty of 1953

       5.2. Pack animals competing for the runway with a DC-3 aircraft of Ethiopian Airlines

       5.3. Tsahafe T’ezaz Walda-Giyorgis Walda-Yohannes, the most powerful figure under Hayla-Sellase in the period 1941-1955

       5.4. Ras Bitwaddad Makonnen Endalkachaw, prime minister in the period 1943-1957

       5.5. Tsahafe T’ezaz Aklilu Habta-Wald, prime minister from 1961-1974

       5.6. Major-General Mulugeta Buli, commander-in-chief of the Imperial Bodyguard from 1941-1955

       5.7. The leaders of the abortive coup d’etat of 1960, Brigadier General Mangestu Neway and Garmame Neway

       5.8. A student demonstration against the Hayla-Sellase regime

       6.1. The building in the Fourth Division headquarters where the Darg was born

       6.2. Emperor Hayla-Sellase soon after his deposition and the Volkswagen ‘beetle’ that took him to his place of detention

       6.3. Lt. General Aman Mikael Andom responding to the cheers of the Eritrean public during a rally at the Asmara stadium

       6.4. Zamach students engaged in one of their daily chores, fetching water

       6.5. Partial view of the huge public demonstration that hailed the rural land reform proclamation

       6.6. Mangestu Hayla-Mariam playing the meek subaltern

       6.7. Three of the highest officials of the Darg: Mangestu, Atnafu and Sisay

       6.8. Fighters of the Tegray People’s Liberation Front


       1. Relief map of Ethiopia

       2. Linguistic map of Ethiopia, showing the distribution by the nineteenth century

       3. Ethiopia in the nineteenth century

       4. Trade routes of the nineteenth century

       5. Major battle sites of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

       6. Ethiopia, 1935

       7. ‘Italian East Africa’, 1936-1941

       8. Ethiopia, 1974

       Sources of Illustrations

      Art Gallery of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa: cover/3.29

      Kurt Herzbruch. Abessinien. Munich, 1925, Fr. Seybold Verlag: 1.1, 3.23

      Hormuzd Rassam. Narrative of the British Mission to Theodore, King of Abyssinia, II.

      London, 1869, John Murray: 2.1

      Henry A. Stern. The Captive Missionary. London, 1868, Cassell, Petter & Galpin: 2 2

      Photographic collection of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University: 2.4, 2.8, 2.11, 2.15, 3.4, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.17, 3.19, 3.30, 4.1, 4.4, 4.9, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7

      – (Album of the British Expedition to Maqdala, 1867-1868): 2.3

      – (Album Charles Michel-Cote, Ethiopie-Soudan, 1919-1920): 2.7

      E. Canevari and G. Comisso. Il generale Tommaso Salsa e le sue campagne coloniali. Milan, 1935, A. Mondadori: 2.5

      Achille Bizzone. Eritrea nel passate e nel presente. Milan, 1897, Società editrice Sonzogno: 2.6

      Philipp Paulitschke. Harar. Leipzig, 1888, F. A. Brockhaus: 2.9

      Lincoln de Castro. Nella terra dei negus, I and II. Milan, 1915, Fratelli Treves: 2.10, 2.13, 3.9, 3.20

      Otto Bieber. Geheimnisvolles Kaffa. Im Reich der Kaiser-Goetter. Vienna, 1948, Universum Verlagsgesellschaft: 2.12, 3.2

      Das ist Abessinien. Berne, Leipzig, Vienna, 1935, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, GmbH: 2.14, 3.5, 3.7, 3.14, 3.21, 3.34

      Leopoldo Traversi. Let Marefià. Milan, 1931, Edizioni ‘Alpes’: 3.1

      Kabbada Tasamma. Ya Tarik Mastawasha. Addis Ababa, 1963 Ethiopian calendar, copyright YMCA Ethiopia: 3.3, 3.25, 3.27, 3.28, 3.31

      Carlo Annaratone. In Abissinia. Rome, 1914, Enrico Voghera: 3.8, 3.22, 3.33

      Max Gruehl. Abyssinia at Bay. London, 1935, Hurst & Blackett: 3.12

      Merab. Impressions d’Ethiopie, III. Paris, 1929, Editions Ernest Leroux: 3.13

      Courtesy of Ato Kabbada Bogala: 3.15, 5.8

      Courtesy of Hakim Warqenah family: 4.10

      Courtesy of Tsahafe T’ezaz Walda-Giyorgis family: 5.3

      Courtesy of Denis Gérard:6.2


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