Richard Titmuss. Stewart, John

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Richard Titmuss - Stewart, John

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circumstances. He was educated at an institution which does not seem to have shone academically, but there is no reason to suppose that it was any worse than the many other private and preparatory schools then in existence, and which catered in the inter-war era for over a quarter of a million scholars.58 And, in any event, Titmuss’s poor health did little to enhance his educational experience. Titmuss’s first major employer, the County Fire Office, provided him with, if nothing else, financial security and a solid foundation in statistical analysis. He was clearly good at his job. So far, so relatively straightforward. We have an ambitious, talented, young man, keen, as we shall see in the next three chapters, to make an impact on inter-war society, although at this point his future successes could hardly have been anticipated. In making his mark, and here matters become more complicated, he was supported and encouraged by Kay. But at what cost to her? Ultimately, this is an extremely difficult question to answer. For present purposes, what we can say is that her experience was hardly untypical, oppressive and constricting as we might now perceive it to be.


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