Richard Titmuss. Stewart, John

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Richard Titmuss - Stewart, John

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Titmuss, ‘Man-Power and Health’, The Spectator, 26 May 1939, pp 896–7.


       The Titmuss gospel and progressive opinion

      Titmuss was determined to get his views across to as wide an audience as possible, and so sought to broadcast these in both scholarly and popular outlets. His co-authored ‘Penguin Special’, discussed in the last chapter, was an example of a publication aimed at both markets, as well as targeting those of like mind, namely ‘progressive opinion’. This chapter builds on the preceding two as we further examine Titmuss’s engagement with progressive opinion in particular. As part of this, we also examine his critique of what he saw as contemporary society’s moral shortcomings, not least the obsession with economic matters at the expense of what was, or could be, truly valuable in human affairs. For Titmuss, this complemented his concerns over population, as well as informing his more overtly political activities.

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