The Hatching of the Heart. Margo Swiss

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The Hatching of the Heart - Margo Swiss Poiema Poetry Series

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you dare

      talk back.

      One ragged sleeve of pain

      worn inside out

      so none heard

      the scream, rolled up so tight

      she’d need to bite down

      to swallow the cry whole,

      felt like

      forever. . . .

      One day

      the angels came

      woke her breathless

      whispering her name:

      a day so heavenly


      for a time



      (heart beating in her mouth)

      saw sun rise

      burst into her eyes

      such a large fair green place

      space enough to stand straight up in—

      And then

      she said, mommy,

      I’ve seen God!


      “and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.”

      (Psalm 19.6)

      God’s Sun

      flowers flames green-gold

      lines gone forth out of Him—

      takes truants a-sudden

      hauls holds steady

      heart to heart—

      rends not garments

      the will clean clothed anew

      in the sheer mercy-might of Him—


      fires again

      even greater gold—

      the heat thereof

      being His


      Manitoba Trees

      Poplars aglow surely know of times to come,

      simply throw themselves into life—

      reckless as lovers, reel sideways

      skyways, any way, agile beyond belief

      every leaf angling, spun in sun

      awash with light

      in spite of dry heat.

      What does it mean

      that these brave trees seem eternally bent upon

      such a vast chloroplastic blast

      long to outlast their first June greening

      too soon cast down, silvered

      under God’s own eye?

      May we never forget

      their photosynthetic rush against all odds

      how weathering harsh storms they warm

      (for a time) even these dull-rooted

      winter-ward hearts

      they bow to.

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