Risking Proclamation, Respecting Difference. Chris Boesel

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Risking Proclamation, Respecting Difference - Chris Boesel

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policies regarding the Jews, but, in far too many cases, firm support of and participation in those policies. It has also been shown that the history of Christian persecution of the Jews was an essential element in creating an environment in which the Holocaust itself could occur within the belly of a so-called Christian, but perhaps more accurately, post-Christian Europe. Furthermore, it has been convincingly argued that this history of moral failure of the Church in relation to the Jews is intimately linked to the history of Christian theology, its discourse about who God is and how God relates to creation—most specifically, its Gospel about Jesus Christ as Good News for the world. All this is assumed here as facts entered into evidence. The complicity of Christian theology in the history of Jewish suffering, therefore, is not in question. What is in question within these pages is the precise nature of this complicity, what the consequences of this complicity are for the integrity of Christian proclamation and faith, and what response is required by unflinching and honest self-examination.

      The question is immediately complicated. What is the difference between theological anti-Judaism (and supersessionism) on the one hand and antisemitism on the other? The distinction is critical, but tricky. Anti-Judaism refers to the rejection and/or denigration of Jewish faith and religion—Judaism. Antisemitism refers to the denigration of the Jew qua Jew. A related complication: what is the relation between theological anti-Judaism and the material, historical suffering of Jews; more generally, what is the relation between imperialistic discourse and material imperialism, and even more comprehensively, between theology and the ethical? These are critical questions for our task at hand, and it will take the length of the book (which is, in view of the seriousness of these questions, nowhere near long enough) before we are in a position to really venture a responsible response to these questions.

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