Psalm Sonnets. Alexandra Glynn

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Psalm Sonnets - Alexandra Glynn

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the turning earth bare

      And shines the fruit of hope in harvest’s air.

      I’m waiting for the day

      I’m waiting for the day when I will change.

      My eyes that saw this world I will not miss—

      My ears that heard a language rough and strange

      I will not care for. When I’m changed, I’ll kiss

      Truth—it will not frighten me. Purified,

      My intellect will ponder and approve

      Very sure truths that it will see. A Bride

      Waits for one day. I’m waiting too. I move

      Through days, I work, I watch, I do my part.

      I look on truths about myself and hide

      From them. My eyes and ears of earth, my heart,

      I use—my whole body. Yet crucified

      To this world, I wait until I am fit

      With my new body—how I long for it!

      Befriend me in my shame

      Befriend me in my shame. Abide with me—

      For everyone with blushes turns away

      When I assemble in society.

      And I am like a person in a day

      Of accolades and parades who is caught

      Naked. The birds and beasts all pass on by,

      But people don’t. And I feel as a blot

      As to a clean new house I brought a sty.

      I know that I should rather be alone

      Than bring my mess to public properties,

      But my sad heart is not a heart of stone,

      So I go out where everybody sees.

      Help me, acknowledge that you know my name;

      Walk side by side with me in my great shame.

      I love that I abide in liberty

      I love that I abide in liberty.

      My chains are soft caressing threads and dreams

      Of cherubim that spread their wings for me

      To draw me to where all is as it seems

      When I look past time to eternal rest.

      What is the reason I sing freedom songs?

      Ask why a baby robin in a nest

      Is singing hymns of soaring with the throngs

      Up, up where neither sign nor road nor map

      Directs. Because the print is in its heart.

      Look up! And you will see no hook or trap,

      Just birds that fly without a whip or chart.

      God made them so and he made liberty

      And in its tender shackles he put me.

      In this bad world

      In this bad world, bad in spirit and powers,

      What can a soul do? How can I go through

      To sacred moments when round me are showers,

      Slabs of gray that stab from clouds, and those do

      Douse the sun from where I am. And the cold

      Will come and form the rain into flakes soon.

      These natural truths my friend and I behold.

      My friend says recall this: the sun and moon

      Are just signs for seasons and the rough sky

      And frost and snow are in control of one

      Who in the heaven of heaven reigns by

      Omnipotence. He says and it is done.

      She says to think on goodness and its ways,

      Like sugar that I crave—sweet sugar grace.

      The warfare is accomplished

      The warfare is accomplished by his love,

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