Bullying in the Churches. Stephen Finlan

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Bullying in the Churches - Stephen Finlan

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he was mistreated, he did not revile; “he did not return abuse” (1 Pet 2:23).

      Jesus responded to the guard’s bullying by making a calm and truthful statement about improper behavior, but it requires a sensitive observer for this to take effect. The truth will be preserved if there is any sensitive observer (like the centurion) to appreciate it. This may be one of the meanings of “Let anyone with ears listen!” (Matt 11:15; 13:9; Mark 4:23). Truth is handed on by anyone who hears it. Jesus presents it as a gift; not saying that we must hear him, but that anyone who can hear him shall receive what he is giving. Truth is a gift that blesses all who receive it, not a hammer that pounds people into obedience.

      Jesus responded to his killers with the merciful statement that they really did not know what they were doing. Jesus lets the success of his message be entirely dependent upon the chance that a sincere listener is present, and on the listener’s quality of reception. In this way, Jesus has faith in us, in our ability to “hear.” In this way God waits for us to be ready. Do we have ears to hear? Will we respond, or will we seek to break God’s heart? Many people truly have a streak of vindictiveness and hostility toward God, and they take revenge on God by being cruel to people.

      Jesus understands this, and many other psychological complexities. He has remarkable insight into human character; his forgiveness is not naïve, but happens with eyes wide open. He calmly observes how self-deceived his enemies can be, and warns his disciples, “an hour is coming when those who kill you will think that by doing so they are offering worship to God” (John 16:2). Rationalization springs eternal in the human breast. Even people who are conspiring to commit murder can convince themselves they are doing right. Jesus knows about the tendency to rationalize, to twist the truth for selfish reasons, and he trains his apostles to recognize it in those who mistreat them.

      We live in an age where the insights of psychology have deepened and broadened our understanding of human misbehavior, but we need to go further. Christians need to become more psychologically aware, so that we are not helpless when sin happens. Wisdom “will save you from the way of evil, from those who speak perversely” (Prov 2:12). Jesus modeled calmness, compassion, and trust in people’s receptivity to the truth, but also a firm stance against cruelty and hypocrisy.

      The Narcissist

      It is time to look at a recognized psychological malady: narcissistic personality disorder. Not every bully is a narcissist, but many of them are, and these are the people least responsive to kind and compassionate overtures of any kind. The reader can decide if these features sound familiar.

      A wholly different tack is taken by Randall and the field known as self psychology, founded by Heinz Kohut. This school of thought insists that narcissistic needs are normal, even in adulthood, but some people are better able to cope with the frustration of these needs, and some people lack good self-cohesion. Self psychology does not say that everyone is the same, but it does say that everyone has the same basic underlying narcissistic needs. I think this theory has much to offer, but its rhetoric is complicated and technical, and it may have limited usefulness in practical settings. However, its insights are important enough to receive some attention here.

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