Inerrancy and the Spiritual Formation of Younger Evangelicals. Carlos R. Bovell

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Inerrancy and the Spiritual Formation of Younger Evangelicals - Carlos R. Bovell

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to exercise the privilege of forgiving their debtors.12

      The “recognitions” that follow are presented for the benefit of evangelical teachers and leaders who insist upon teaching their students that the Bible is the word of God written and, as such, contains no errors in the originals. As a rule, Christian philosophers and theologians occupy themselves with big-picture, theoretical questions while biblical scholars concern themselves with detailed biblical and extra-biblical data. As one who has involved himself with both, I decry a painful inability to synthesize these two realms of inquiry with spiritual and intellectual integrity. Accordingly, the present work looks to illustrate lines of critical thinking that a “younger evangelical” might experience during the course of spiritual maturation.


      A number of evangelical teachers and leaders have contributed in one way or another to the completion of this manuscript. Yet there is a select handful of professors that has enthusiastically received my thoughts and remarks regarding the relationship between inerrancy and the spiritual development of younger evangelicals. To these I would like to express my gratitude even if most chose not in the end to explicitly associate themselves with this book.

      I would also like to thank the Reverend Harald Peeders for his constant encouragement; the staff at Wipf and Stock for making this book possible; Jamie, Elena and Mateo for their patience; and Jen for her love.


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