Bereshit, The Book of Beginnings. David B. Friedman

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Bereshit, The Book of Beginnings - David B. Friedman

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      5 But God did not particularly favor Cain and his offering. So Cain was very angry, and he carried a sad facial expression.

      6 So God told Cain, “Why are you so upset? Why do you look so down?

      10 Then God said, “What did you do? Your brother’s blood cries out loudly to me from the ground!

      11 Because the ground has absorbed your brother’s blood that you shed, you have brought curses upon yourself!

      12 When you farm the ground, it will not be fruitful and yield crops for you. Instead, you will now be a nomad and wanderer throughout the earth.”

      13 Then Cain complained to God, “This is too harsh of a punishment for me to bear!

      14 Today you banished me from everyone’s presence, as well as from Your presence. I will be a nomad and wanderer upon the earth, and everyone who sees me will try to kill me.”

      15 God then said to him, “So anyone who tries to kill Cain will suffer curses seven-fold . . . and God will put on Cain a sign so that all who find him will know not to attack him.”

      16 So Cain had to leave God’s presence, and he settled in the region of Nod, just east of Eden.

      17 Afterward, Cain had intimate relations with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Hanoch. [Cain] then built a town and named it Hanoch, after his son.

      18 Hanoch had a son named Erad, and Erad had a son named Mehuya’el. Metuya’el fathered Metusha’el, who fathered Lamek.

      19 Lamek took two women to be his wives. One was named Adah, and the second was named Silah.

      20 Adah gave birth to Yaval, who was the patriarch of those who live in tents and breed livestock.

      21 His brother was Yuval, who was the patriarch of musicians who play stringed instruments and flutes.

      22 Silah bore Tuval-Cain, who wrought brass and iron, as well as Tuval-Cain’s sister, Na’amah.

      24 If seven-fold curses come upon anyone taking vengeance on Cain, seventy-fold curses will fall upon anyone taking vengeance on Lemek!”

      25 The (first) man once again had intimate relations with his wife, and she bore a son, calling his name Seth, because “God has gifted me with another offspring in place of Hevel, since Cain killed him.”

      26 Seth also fathered a son, and named him Enosh. It was then that humanity began to worship God.

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