Jairus's Daughter. Patti Rutka

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Jairus's Daughter - Patti Rutka

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Jairus was uncertain as to what he had said that had provoked her.

      Overhearing in the next room, Rivka winced as she busied herself, thinking perhaps she had taught her daughter to loose her tongue just a little too much. What man would have such a girl?

      Aviel stormed out of the house in tears, stopping only to touch her hand automatically to the doorway’s mezuzah, which contained a miniature scroll of the Shema, the profession of faith every Jew knew by heart. It was the commandment to love Adonai, the One God, with all of one’s heart and soul. She touched her fingers to her lips, picked up her skirts, and fled.

      Jairus moved to the doorway while his eyes followed his beloved daughter. At least she was feeling better, he thought ruefully. As he watched her march toward the olive groves, he contemplated what to do with her next.

      “I think she is upset with me,” he remarked to his wife as she glided into the room and sighed. She put her hand on her husband’s shoulder.

      “Let her go off. Maybe she’ll find some of the answers that she’s been looking for in her heart instead of her head.”

      It was true: the town’s talk after Yeshua’s visit had been so intense that Jairus had made himself scarce from the synagogue for a few days, as if recovering with his daughter. When Aviel had questioned him about his staying at home, telling him she was fine and he could return to his normal duties, he admitted to her that he didn’t know how to explain to the elders what had happened. He was uncomfortable under his skin; he didn’t want to have to answer for having sought out Yeshua. Seeking out a miracle worker in and of itself was not such an unusual act, but Yeshua’s message about the imminent kingdom of God, along with the healings he’d done, had spread as all the most dramatic bits of human information do—as if people had nothing else occupying their lives but gossip.

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