Jude and 2 Peter. Andrew M. Mbuvi

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Jude and 2 Peter - Andrew M. Mbuvi New Covenant Commentary Series

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      JTS – Journal of Theological Studies

      KEKNT – Kritisch-Exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament

      NAC – The New American Commentary

      NBBC – New Beacon Bible Commentary

      NCB – New Century Bible

      NCBC – The New Cambridge Bible Commentary

      Neot – Neotestamentica

      NIV – New International Version

      NRSV – New Revised Standard Version

      NTL – The New Testament Library

      NTS – New Testament Studies

      PCS – Pentecostal Commentary Series

      PNTC – Pillar New Testament Commentary

      PL – J.-P. Migne, ed., Patrologia Latina

      PGNT – Phoenix Guides to the New Testament

      RFIA – The Review of Faith & International Affairs

      SBLDS – Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series

      SUNT – Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments

      Sac. Pag. – Sacra Pagina

      SHBC – Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary

      tev – Today’s English Version

      TBN – Themes in Biblical Narrative

      TDNT – Theological Dictionary of the New Testament

      TH NTC – Two Horizons New Testament Commentary

      THNT – Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament

      tniv – Today’s New International Version

      TNTC – Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

      TSAJ – Texte und Studium zum antiken Judentum

      TWNT – Theological Words of the New Testament

      TynBul – Tyndale Bulletin

      WSNT – Wuppertaler Studienbibel Neues Testament

      WUNT – Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

      ZNW – Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche

      Ancient Sources

      ANF – Anti –Nicene Fathers


      Eth. Nic. – Nicomachean Ethics

      Poet. – Poetics

      Pol. – Politics

      Babylonian Talmud (b.)

      Barn. – Epistle of Barnabas


      Flac. – Pro Flacco

      1 Clem. – 1 Clement

      2 Clem – 2 Clement

      Did. – Didache

      1 En. – 1 Enoch

      3 En. – 3 Enoch (Hebrew Apocalypse)

      Dead Sea Scrolls

      1QS – Rule of the Congregation

      CD – Community Rules

      Dio Crysostom

      Or. – Orationes


      Ep. Ar. – Arist. Epistle of Aristeas


      Hist. Eccl – Ecclesiastical History

      Gen. Rab. – Genesis Rabbah

      Gos. Thom. – Gospel of Thomas

      Greco-Roman Inscriptions

      BGU IV 1137 (AGRW 281)

      IAssos 26, c. 37 CE

      IEph 3801 (c. 35–54 CE) (AGRW 160)

      IG II2 1365 (AGWR 33.)

      IG II² 1369 (ca. 100 CE) (AGRW 8)

      IG XI,4 1299 (AGRW 221)

      IGR IV 144, c. 41–54 CE (AGRW 108)

      IGRR VI 314

      ILS 9495 = ILAfr 306

      IMT 573 – Inschriften Mysia und Troas

      IMT 1431 = IGR IV 144 ((37/36 BCE) (AGRW 108)

      ISardBR 22 (ca. 100 BCE) (AGRW 122)

      IGLSkythia III 44 (AGRW 74)

      ISmyrna 633 – (c.a. 129–31) ()

      ISmyrna 731 (AGRW 116)

      IEph 3801 (c. 45–54 CE) (AGRW 160)

      GRA 1 49 = IG II² 1369 (AGRW 8)

      GRA I 90 = IByzantion 31 (c. 85–96 CE) (AGRW 68)

      GLSkythia III 35


      Ep. Heb. – Letter to Hebedia

      John Chrysostom

      Jos. Asen. – Joseph and Aseneth


      Ag. Ap. – Contra Apion

      Ant. – Antiquities

      J. W. – Jewish Wars

      Jub. – Jubilees

      Life – The Life of Flavius Josephus

      Justin Martyr

      1 Apol. – First Apology

      Dial. – Dialogues with Trypho


      Hist. Rom. – Roman History


      Epigr. – Epigrams


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