Opening King David. Brad Davis

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Opening King David - Brad Davis Emerald City Books

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style="font-size:15px;">      but my program is a prison named fear.

      Still, how wonderful to know what time it is,

      precise to within a millionth of a second.

      From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind.

      Psalm 33:13


      I flavor my food with long suffering.

      The clothes in my closet are unironed.

      I have never spoken in another tongue.

      Given the option, I would work alone

      or in the tested company of friends.

      I find nothing holy in national

      holidays though love getting the hours

      off, time being the skin I look forward

      to shedding once I am done with my life.

      Between Eden and the New Earth, only

      wind, music, and diligence feel at all

      familiar. Here, everywhere is exile.

      I will continue to speak this language.

      Every word, a stand against losing heart.

      No one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.

      Psalm 34:22


      Are all theophobic? No one wants to

      be reminded. No thought, sentence, or deed

      can escape the chill of divine review.

      Dread being a dark matter of the soul,

      engines of suppression hum constantly

      flooding the wakeful mind with distractions

      grand as virtue, common as relatives.

      (How else to prevent the unwanted Word’s

      indelicate meaning from causing hurt?)

      Judgment by one’s peers can be useful, but

      keep at bay the cool scrutiny of God

      lest “luv” lose its warm inclusivity,

      “my truth” its fragile singularity.

      No “truth,” though lovely, will be left standing

      on the day Truth absolutely arrives.

      Poor, middle class, rich; straight, gay—no one

      questions the myth: autonomy, each one’s

      rule a law. But those who fear the Lord and

      seek Him lack nothing, their fear a spring-fed

      tributary to perfect freedom where

      unruly wills find rest in serving Him.

      Voice-beyond-language (still, small, holy),

      wickedness reveals itself resisting

      (xenophobically) Thy sovereign wisdom.

      Yesterday, today, tomorrow, folly’s

      zero swallows her dreary children whole.

      I will give thanks in the great assembly.

      Psalm 35:18

      Word Problem

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