1–2 Thessalonians. Nijay K. Gupta

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1–2 Thessalonians - Nijay K. Gupta New Covenant Commentary Series

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id="ulink_a5c48356-06d2-5b45-b269-77af4315249e">A third problem in Thessalonica apparently pertained to the death of some members of the church (4:13–18). Paul felt the need to comfort them by urging that the recently-deceased believers would be especially honored at the return of the Lord. Many scholars believe that the Thessalonians naively thought that everyone would remain alive until the return of the Messiah, so the death of church members was perplexing and even traumatizing. This is possible, but it does not account for the unusual emphasis Paul places on the dead in the Messiah being lifted up first, before the living at the return of the Messiah (4:15). Why would they receive this honor of priority? A minority of scholars (including myself) hypothesize that those who died may have been martyred, killed by persecutors.45 This view accords well with how it could be possible that several people died in the same small believing community around the same time a short while after Paul left. Furthermore, it explains why Paul focuses on their position of honor—those who died for their allegiance to Messiah deserve such a special role.

      Excursus: Hypothesizing a Clandestine Attack

      One scenario that could bring several issues together in 1 Thessalonians is the consideration that the opponents of the believing Thessalonians planned some kind of clandestine attack. Let’s say certain upset Jews, (former) friends of these god-fearers-turned-Jesus-followers, secretly attacked their workshop or apartment building. Let’s say they set it on fire at night. This could explain how some people died at once. It could also explain why some are “weak” (injured?) and others are “faint hearted” (5:14). Furthermore, what if these same Jews blamed this fire on “the wrath of God” because these god-fearers began to follow Paul and worship Messiah Jesus (whom these Jews would have considered a false messiah)? What if these Jews tried to convince the Thessalonian believers that they could reclaim “peace and security” if they forsook Jesus and returned to the synagogue (5:3)? What if Jewish prophets “prophesied” further doom if they did not (see 5:20–21)? Paul’s wider message would be clear in response to this: Jesus is Lord, he is judge, salvation and hope are centered on him.

      Coming of the Lord

      The last major concern that Paul raises relates to the timing of the coming of the Lord (5:1–11). Paul is unwilling to say more than that it will be unexpected (5:2–3). He turns their attention away from timetable theories towards faithfulness and upright behavior today. The timing doesn’t matter if, in waiting for the master, you are always at work in your duties (see Luke 12:41–48). Somewhere along the way, a fear struck them that they might not be ready. Paul comforts them by reminding them of their firmly-anchored identity in the Messiah (5:9), but challenges them to live faithfully in light of that identity.

      Minor Concerns?

      The above issues (persecution, sexual purity, the dead in the Messiah, the coming of the Lord) are Paul’s main concerns in 1 Thessalonians, but potentially he was also addressing other, minor matters. For example, there is some evidence that the church may have had internal divisions and communal problems; Paul seems to briefly address these (see 4:9–11; 5:12–15). Also, Paul may have had a small concern for those he calls ataktoi (“the idle troublemakers”), but his mention of them is brief enough that it is not significant at this point for him (5:14; it becomes a major problem by the time he writes 2 Thessalonians). Also, is it possible that the Thessalonian believers had been thrown into confusion by (false?) prophecies (5:20–21)? Again, this is plausible, but the brief mention offers little information.

      Paul on Trial?

      But why would Paul feel the need to defend his integrity? Perhaps, when he had to flee spontaneously at night (see Acts 17:10a), suspicions arose about Paul’s sudden disappearance. As Michael Holmes explains, Paul was concerned

      Images and Themes in 1 Thessalonians


      Paul does not explain why he calls the Thessalonians “brothers and sisters,” but undoubtedly this would have been explained when he first taught them about their faith. Paul would have preached about the unique sonship of Messiah Jesus, Son of God, and that all may also become children of the one God through Jesus, Gentiles receiving the blessing of being included in the unique adoption of Israel (Rom 8:29; Gal 4:5; cf. Rom 9:4; Col 1:13; Eph 1:5).

      For Paul, to be “brothers and sisters” through the Messiah is not merely a term of endearment, nor simply a theological construct; Paul expected the reality of this theological truth to create an intimate community. Beginning in 4:9, Paul addresses the matter of philadelphia—sibling-love. It was encoded into their corporate life to express this kind of kinship love and Paul commends them for this. He expected—and found—deep affection within this group.

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