Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Robert P. Lightner

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Portraits of Jesus in the Gospel of John - Robert P. Lightner

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known, most likely. Finances were on his mind. He said to Jesus “two hundred denarii” would not be anywhere near enough to feed them all even if each one ate only a small amount (v. 7). One denarius which was a Roman coin was worth what the common laborer would get for one day’s wages.

      Had Philip forgotten who Jesus was? Did he forget about His miracle-working power? How could he have forgotten so soon how Jesus turned water into wine? What about His healing the nobleman’s son and the man who had not walked for thirty-eight years? It is easy, is it not, to ask such questions of someone else. But we too oftentimes forget what God has done for us in the past. Jesus has not changed. He is still the One with divine power and He can do “exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20).

      Andrew at least reminded Jesus about the small lad with five barley loaves of bread and two fish. But then he said in essence, What difference does that make? There’s no way such a small lunch could feed this crowd. Maybe we can detect a little faith in Andrew’s statement. It is almost as though he implied this: “But you can multiply that so there will be enough. We saw You perform other miracles just days ago.”

      Immediately after Andrew’s word, Jesus said to him and all the others, “Have the people sit down” (v. 10). This meant they were to recline as they normally did to eat. The disciples did not hesitate or ask any more questions but somehow got the message to that large crowd. And they all sat down on the lush green grass. There were about five thousand men there besides women and children (cf. Matthew 14:21).

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