Archbishop Oscar Romero. Emily Wade Will

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Archbishop Oscar Romero - Emily Wade Will

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comes from Jorge Sarsanedas and Francisco Mena Sandoval, in López Vigil, Mosaic, 161–64, 177–78.

      2. A Time to be Young


      “Too early.” Zaída groaned, her voice heavy with sleep. “It’s not even light yet.”

      “Come on! The sun’s almost up,” Oscar urged. “Have you forgotten what’s happening today? Hurry!”

      “I’m coming, I’m coming,” eleven-year-old Zaída said, her voice irritable.

      Oscar had pail and milking stool in hand when Zaída appeared in the doorway. They left their house on the plaza corner and strolled several blocks up the cobblestone street to the field where the family pastured its cow, mule, and horse.

      Oscar basked in the dawn’s beauty and nippy freshness. The rising sun transformed the clouds hovering over the valleys into a fluffy quilt of pinks and orange. The majestic mountains and nearby volcano, still night-time black, lent a stark backdrop.

      “It’s going to be a perfect day.” Oscar, almost thirteen, considered whether God had answered his prayers for dry weather. People would be coming to their sleepy village of Ciudad Barrios from surrounding areas to hear Father Nazario Monroy, twenty-five, say his first hometown mass, and the sun would keep footpaths dry to ease traveling.

      Father Monroy had journeyed across the wide Atlantic Ocean, to Rome, to study to become an ordained priest. Now he was back. Oscar scarcely dared dream he might someday follow in Father Monroy’s footsteps. Becoming a priest loomed as a large ambition for a boy in his circumstances.


      Ciudad Barrios nestles among mountains, the cross on its central Catholic church visible from a distance. (1998 photo, Emily Will)

      The lack of paved roads and long travel times led Oscar to believe his homeland, El Salvador, was much larger than its actual 8,260 square miles. Later he would learn why Salvadoran writer Julio Enrique Ávila dubbed the country the “Tom Thumb of America.” About the size of Massachusetts, El Salvador is the smallest nation of the North and South American continents.

      A Distinctive Cow

      After Oscar finished the milking, he and his sister headed home, carrying the pail between them to share the weight.

      “Vallena gave a full bucket today. Guess we won’t have to pass by the spring.” Oscar’s voice contained a smile.

      “Don’t remind me!” Zaída replied. “It was a dumb idea.”

      Oscar teased Zaída about the day Vallena gave little milk. Zaida became fearful their father might think they drank or spilled some of it and would punish them with a switching or by making them kneel for hours. She therefore suggested they add some spring water. Oscar, honest to the core, would have no part of it.

      “Papá, maybe your musician friends will be in town today.” Zaída bit into a warm, thick tortilla.

      “How so?” Papá asked.

      Oscar’s face grew warm with shame. Papá rarely set foot in church and hadn’t remembered today’s special service. He had had to be instructed in the basics of Roman Catholic faith before a priest would agree to marry him and Mamá in a religious marriage. True, Papá did encourage Oscar to pray daily, but it was Mamá who gathered her children at seven each evening to kneel and say the rosary.

      “Don’t you remember?” Mamá shook her head. She ate breakfast while she nursed the baby. “Folks will be coming into town today for Father Monroy’s mass. Everyone’s eager to hear him speak.”

      “Indeed?” Papá turned to Zaída. “Well, m’ija, if that’s the case, perhaps we can expect one or both of my musician friends to drop by.”

      “Great!” Zaida said, and Oscar agreed. Mamerto clapped with excitement.

      As adults, Mamerto and Arnoldo would play the marimba in bands, but Oscar alone wanted to learn the flute, and Papá taught him. He’d draw notes on a dusty surface to teach Oscar how to read music. Only when Oscar had it down pat did Papá give him some scored music paper to use. It was expensive for a family on a tight budget.

      “Don’t worry, Oscar,” Gustavo said. “I’ll deliver any telegrams that arrive today.”

      Oscar said a polite thanks, but inwardly he smiled. Gustavo’s offer was not as magnanimous as it appeared. It was an excuse for Gustavo to stay home from church. Oscar knew he was different from Gustavo and his brothers—they preferred noisy, rambunctious games while he enjoyed quieter pursuits, such as reading. Also, unlike his brothers, Oscar had been drawn to the church and to religion since his earliest years. In this Oscar resembled his mother.

      Mamá and Papá

      On other days, however, Oscar willingly helped deliver telegrams and letters. Papá’s work as a telegraph operator had brought him to Ciudad Barrios in the first place. Santos Romero

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