There are no Right Answers to Wrong Questions. Peter C. Wilcox

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There are no Right Answers to Wrong Questions - Peter C. Wilcox

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invited to stay with our questions, to live with them so that they will connect us with the Lord who can be met along our vocational paths and glimpsed in unexpected gifts.

      B. Learning to Wait—in Expectation

      We live in an age of acceleration, in an era so seduced by the instantaneous that we are in grave danger of losing our ability to wait. Life moves at a staggering pace. Computers yield immediate answers. Pictures develop before our eyes. Satellites beam television signals from practically anywhere, allowing distant images on different continents to appear almost instantly in our living rooms. Complex life issues are routinely introduced, dealt with and solved in neat thirty-minute segments on television. Space travel, mobile phones, instant coffee, disposable diapers. In almost every way, we are enclosed in a speeding world. We are surrounded by fast lanes, express mail, instant credit. Faster is better. Ask almost anyone. Quick and easy are magical words with enormous seductive powers. Advertisers know that if they put them on a product it sells better—whether the product is instant potatoes, instant money or instant pain relief. We’re told that we can walk off ten pounds in two weeks, melt five inches in five days, or just take a pill and do it overnight.

      Furthermore, the Bible is rich with language urging us to wait. “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength” (Isa 30: 15). “For you I wait all day long” (Ps 25: 5). “My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning” (Ps 130: 6). “If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay” (Hab 2: 3). “But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience” (Rom 8: 25). Sometimes, I wonder if waiting is the missing link in our spiritual growth, the lost and forgotten experience crucial to becoming fully human, fully Christian, fully ourselves.

      One day, while reading the Gospels, it occurred to me that when important times of transition came for Jesus, he entered places of waiting—the wilderness, a garden, the tomb. Jesus’ life was a balanced rhythm of waiting for God and then expressing the fruits of that waiting.

      We can easily view waiting as mere passivity. However, the words passive and passion come from the same Latin root, pati, which means to endure. Waiting is both passive and passionate. It’s a vibrant, contemplative work. It means descending into the self, into God, into the deeper labyrinths of prayer. It involves allowing our questions to emerge, listening to disinherited voices within ourselves, and facing the wounded and broken parts of our lives. It means struggling with the vision of who we really are in God and developing the courage to live that vision.

      One time, Jesus told a parable about the ten maidens waiting for the bridegroom (Matt 25: 1–13). Five came prepared with extra lamp oil to wait through the night. The other five didn’t plan on having to wait, so they brought only the oil that was in their lamps. Naturally, their lamps gave out. When they left to go buy more oil, the bridegroom showed up, and they missed him.

      On one level, the point of this story is that we should always be prepared. But it is also a story about the importance of waiting—waiting through the dark night of our questions. The idea is that waiting precedes celebration. If you don’t show up prepared to wait, you may miss the transcendent when it happens.

      It is also important to see in the Scriptures that we have a God that waits for us. The parable of the prodigal son could also be named the parable of the waiting father. It tells us much more about God than anything else—a God who watches and waits with a full heart for us to make our homecoming.

      God is offering each of us an invitation. A call to waiting. But we have to be patient. We have to let go, tap our creative stillness, and let the right question emerge. Most of all, we have to trust that the Lord is always present to us helping us live into the answer.

      C. Learning to Become Still

      Another factor that is important in asking the right questions in life is learning to become still—quiet—reflective.

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