Alphabet Year. Devon Miller-Duggan

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Alphabet Year - Devon Miller-Duggan

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its surrendered bodies, its MLK birthday, its wounds

      kept new-open, uncleansed, unclosed.

      La, la, la they had it coming (all of every year). La, li, la. . .

      March with its raised fists or switches—any March.

      November with its thanks/no-thanks, with Tamir Rice (12-years old) police-shot dead.

      October with its fallings & departures—any October.

      Put the gunsfistsswitches down. Raise the bodies not

      quite grown, not quite men, not light enough to save.

      Revisit all the violent graves of bodies lightly accounted.

      September with its raised belt & sit down, shut up—any September.

      Torn. This poem between tact & mouths of sharks, this poem

      unbound from nothing. This poem white. This poem without body. This poem without

      value against a raised hand. This poem raises its hand, fisted around nothing

      wooden, leather, metal. This poem speaks

      xylology—the study of trees, which stand, which rise like black bodies singing:

      Yes, we matter. Yes, we voice. Yes, we are trees, tall even when cut down. This poem

      zephyrs its ungentled breath across the bad years, praying.

      Disorderly Abecedarian 5: Blasphemy

      Blaspheme: To peel an orange with a hammer—

      mantle the ground in blood say the tree is not the mountain.

      Polytheist: Dog who loves more than its master, a single child of two parents.

      Xenial prohibitions: Do not offer up your children to guests.

      Holy: A thing diminished by speech.

      Deify = or ≠ defy.

      Love = or ≠ deify.

      Explain any of this to a broken heart,

      god of breaking, god of blood, god of teeth, god of buds.

      Omen = or ≠ Oh, men. Amen:

      unmanageable—the wings propelling air into lungs,

      crux of being = breath.

      Negate = or ≠ negotiate, novitiate, neophyte.

      Ken this: Ken that I long for bird song, ocean crash, sky-widening

      revealing largenesses.

      Infidel: To peel an orange with a saw, mantle ground in blood,

      flout songs of birds and mammals of the seas & wind in trees.

      Sex is the wings of everything that moves the earth—

      quill with which maps are drawn,

      abundance counted & laid down, laid up into

      ziggurats, to hang like gardens upon

      twittering of trees, upon

      wind’s word—

      very song from very song—

      year spooling into year, green with longing,

      just inside the orange’s skin.

      Xenial (adjective), hospitality to strangers.

      Proper Abecedarian 5: Oranges

      Abundance: an orange so fragrant it’s

      blasphemy not to roll it in your hands until they’re pregnant with oils; scent

      crucial to your belief in senses of Christmas.

      Deifying your own hands, everything comes back to Christmas,

      explaining the scent of oranges as the origin of your theology, your

      First-Cause. It could just as easily have been the taste of butter, or light you called

      God mazing its way through loblolly needles, rubbing the flaked bark,

      holy as pushing needles in-and-out of fabric, the promise you made to read Anne Frank.

      Infidel: who uses a knife on an orange rather than

      just letting its pulp and oils gather beneath your nails before you

      ken the burst and acid of its flesh by route & reason of your tongue,

      lathe with which you spindle the names of God.

      Mantle your hands in any perfume that’ll mask the smell of mortality:

      Negation = or ≠ negotiation.

      Omen = or ≠ open to interpolation, implication.

      Polytheist = who cannot conclude whether God is kin, skin, pith, flesh, or seed.

      Quill = verb = the winding of threads in order to weave. And to weave is to

      reveal: there is a body beneath the cloth, window behind the hanging—

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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