Cannabis Regeneration. J.B. Haze

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Cannabis Regeneration - J.B.  Haze

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I feel, that has really made an impact on growing.

      Moving indoors meant, for the first time, the farmer could control the exact parameters of the grow. Water, lighting and nutrients could be fine tuned to perfectly fit the plant’s requirements. No longer was the crop at the mercy of the weather. Moving indoors forced the study of the photoperiod (how the length of the day affects growth patterns) in detail. It has led to better lights, refined nutrients, superior water delivery systems, consideration of the effects of humidity, temperature, root health and so much more. These intricacies were not well understood until the move indoors forced dedicated cultivators to do the research.

      By understanding the details, we can better look after our plants. This allows them to reach further up towards the ceiling of potential. Due to the knowledge generated by being forced indoors, we are now growing better gardens.

      Kicked off by prohibition, we have seen a revolution, not only in lighting efficiencies/technologies and the understanding of the plant’s biology/behavior, but also in the tools and equipment required to grow successfully. Consider the vast array of grow tents, watering systems, clone propagation units, automated timers, CO2 delivery systems and the like that are now available. Entire industries have grown from the new knowledge base. And grow books? Well, prior to prohibition, you could count them on the fingers of one hand. Nowadays there are dozens upon dozens of books dealing with the botany and wonder of the cannabis plant. How times have changed. The MRS itself has grown out of this new—ever-evolving—pool of information (and today’s ease of access to the appropriate tools/supplies).

      If you already know how to grow a great garden—potent and healthy—then transitioning to The MRS will be pain free and fun. For novices, I’d suggest you absorb as much information about growing cannabis as you can. I’ve included a basic reading list at the end of this book to start you on your way. You see, the better the grower you are, the better the results from The MRS will be. It is not a panacea to a successful grow; it is a pathway—allowing your existing skills to be expressed in an efficient, productive and potent manner.

      You may never have believed that cannabis could regenerate once, let alone the two or more times that I intend to show you in this book. Well, as I said at the start of this introduction, life is full of surprises. And, as a girl called Billie-Jean once said, “… a little luvin’ goes a long way!”

       PART ONE



      THE MRS





      Regeneration is a system for revegetating, re-flowering and re-budding a previously harvested plantcontinuously.

      The above statement is the very essence of this book and, for most, it will seem like a fairly ludicrous suggestion.

      How can you possibly regenerate a plant to produce a second (or even third, or fourth or fifth…) harvest? When I say previously harvested, I really mean it: Nothing selective, no fancy pruning. We’re talking about a chopped-at-the-trunk, hung upside down, old school harvest.

      So then, what’s the secret? What allows you to regrow what is essentially just a stump? Well, though on one hand it might seem crazy, on the other hand it’s not so mystical after all. As already noted, regeneration is something known, published and—on occasion—used. However, the literature’s scant coverage of the subject (and the sparse discussion of it on the internet) seems to have rendered it mostly invisible—to be pulled out of the hat (like the magic trick it is) only in an emergency. Through no fault of its own, regeneration has remained sidelined as a last ditch effort to save a dying plant.

      I intend to prove to you that, on the contrary, regeneration can be so much more. My main argument in this book can be boiled down to two truths:

      1. With familiarization of the regeneration technique (and a little practice) you can coax a single plant into delivering many consecutive harvests.

      2. Each subsequent harvest has the potential to be superior to the one previous.

      How exciting!

      It may appear a little too reminiscent of Frankenstein’s monster, this ability to regenerate. However, such strangeness (the pictured, double-ended bud, being an exception) does not extend to the treasures born and bred of regeneration.1 The resulting flowers and buds are, in fact, healthy and indistinguishable in every way from those grown from seed or clone. The beautiful photographs gracing these pages are proof of the pudding. Note the growth sprouting from nodes, the lush green and healthy foliage—and dig the colors, form and density of the many buds. This is all good stuff, and it is all exactly as if grown from seed or clone—frosty, fragrant, plump and plentiful.

      In addition, The Marijuana Regeneration System (MRS2), as explained in this book, allows you to increase the quality of your favorite plants. Flavor, potency, aroma and yield can be improved with each subsequent harvest cycle. I know this flies in the face of urban wisdom but all will be revealed with rational explanations and step-by-step instructions. In this book we shall learn that:

       Regeneration can become the heart of a self-contained grow system, one with the potential for ongoing and incremental improvements in areas such as flavor, potency, aroma and yield.

       Regeneration can be applied to produce enhanced results across all types of grow systems, big and small.

       Regeneration can complement many areas of cultivation, including seed production, cloning and breeding.

      So, get your Mary Shelley on; let’s find out how it is possible to bring a plant back to life, regenerating her over and over. Allow me to introduce the star of our show, The MRS.


       THE MRS

      The Marijuana

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