Language Power. Margo Gottlieb

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Language Power - Margo Gottlieb

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learning, which has to be combined with multiliteracy development to best equip students to succeed in the world they live.


      This section offers guidance in implementing DARE by including examples of tools educators may wish to use. These templates, presented in figures and resources, are neither exhaustive nor rigid. In other words, we suggest that you incorporate them into your existing resources, that you add to them, or that you modify them to make them applicable to your context. In our experience, teachers adopt or adapt tools that are easy to use in planning students’ learning experiences or enacting those experiences during assessment and instruction. So our advice is to remember that as you modify these templates, avoid making tools that become too complicated.

      As an example, Figure P.3 provides a rationale for encouraging academic conversations among students that has been drawn from five distinct areas of learning (per Zwiers & Crawford, 2011). Many the themes presented here are recurring throughout the book. It is paired with Resource P.1, which, in this case, replicates the figure and asks you to select the statements that best fit what you do in school to promote student learning.


      This section summarizes ideas presented on each perspective. We discuss how teachers can take the DARE to benefit students, especially those who have been historically underserved, namely English language learners, ELLs with disabilities, and speakers of other varieties of English.

      Because academic language affords students opportunities to access college and career readiness standards, content, and practices, it is vital that students who have been historically underserved—ELLs, students with interrupted formal education, students with diverse socioeconomic status, and students with disabilities, among others—experience, develop, and use academic language. Throughout the book, we offer ways to be more inclusive of students in integrating language into the planning and designing of curriculum, assessment, and instruction.

      Spotlighting academic language in the classroom can be influential in promoting students’ academic achievement; however, it is more powerful as a focus at the school level. Systemic approaches to enhancing academic language for all students provides the most effective impact on their academic achievement. To accomplish this, it is important for every educator in the school or system to have a common definition and understanding of academic language. Learning and working together promotes collaboration among educators and, most important, provides consistency for students across classes and grade levels. It is here that the role of administrators becomes critical in creating structures and opportunities for educators to come together and plan around academic language use.

      Figure P.3 Reasons for Promoting Academic Conversations in School

Figure 3

      Source: Adapted from Gottlieb and Ernst-Slavit (2014, p. 17).

      Take the DARE

      Use the questions from the following table to find out about or document the language use of your students who receive support services. Share the data you gather with other educators who work with these students.

       Table 1

      Take Action

      This last section puts forward questions and suggests activities that, we hope, move the ideas in each chapter into action. It aims to provide inspiration in the work of teachers and school leaders to take the DARE and begin discussions with others at school.

      As educators begin to think about academic language use, here are some ideas and questions to ponder or discuss with others.

      1 Gather demographic data on your students, including school history, academic achievement, and other languages spoken at home. After reviewing the data, exchange information with colleagues in answering the following questions:What assets and challenges do our students bring with them?What linguistic and cultural resources do they possess?How can we connect the language required of college and career readiness standards to students’ experiences with language?

      2 How is academic language use present throughout our school—in hallways, classrooms, and common areas? How can we make it more visible? How can we elicit students to help us?

      3 What is your own experience in learning academic language in English or an additional language? What were some of your challenges, and how did you overcome them? What were some advantages of language learning, and how did you leverage them to make yourself understood by others?

      4 What are some existing structures or resources that can support a focus on academic language use at your school? How can you make academic language learning a whole-school effort? What might you need? How can you get it?

      Our goal with this book is to begin conversations in spaces where they may not exist and to move the conversation forward for educators who may already be thinking about academic language use and its impact on academic achievement. With this in mind, we touch on some important themes throughout the book to help you, the reader, make connections to other initiatives in your schools or to identify points of entry for discussions around language. These themes include

       21st century schools and classrooms

       Linguistic and cultural sustainability

       Increased attention and acknowledgment of students and families as decision makers in education

      In order to make academic language use and the themes of our book more tangible and powerful, we have included a range of materials, tools, and resources in each chapter. Each resource within a chapter is partially completed to suggest how you might wish to approach it; there is a corresponding blank template of each resource at the close of each chapter for your personal use. We thank our friends at BrainPOP® ( for sharing their wealth of resources to help us bring key uses of academic language to life.

      Resource P.1 Reasons for Promoting Academic Conversations in School

      Individually or in teacher teams, brainstorm how you might strategically increase the quantity and quality of academic conversations in your classroom. You are welcome to borrow ideas from Figure P.3 and suggest others on your own. Refer to this resource throughout the year to evaluate the extent you are reaching the whole student.

      Teacher or Teacher Team: _____________________________________ Date: _____________

Table 2

      Copyright © 2017 by Corwin. All rights reserved. Reprinted from Language Power: Key Uses for Accessing Content by Margo Gottlieb and Mariana Castro. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, Reproduction authorized only for the local school site or nonprofit organization that has purchased this book.

      References and Further Reading

       Bailey, A. L. (2007). (Ed.). The language demands of school: Putting academic English to the test. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.


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