The Son of God. Charles Lee Irons

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The Son of God - Charles Lee Irons

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Ps 8:6 is also combined with Ps 110:1 and quoted in reference to Christ’s exaltation, for “God has put all things (ta panta) in subjection under his feet” (1 Cor 15:27; cp. Eph 1:20–22; Phil 3:21). There is also the key passage in Dan 7:13–14 that Jesus himself alluded to before the high priest at his trial. More specifically, the prophecy concerning the “Son of Man” in Daniel says that “his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away” (Dan 7:14), using language that is applied to YHWH’s kingdom (Ps 145:13; Dan 4:34). Recall that it was precisely Jesus’ claim to be that coming “Son of Man” coming in the clouds of heaven with the glory of his Father that scandalized the Jewish Sanhedrin and led to their call for his execution on the charge of blasphemy.


      Worship belongs properly only to the one true God in biblical monotheism. In his indictment of the pagans for their idolatry, Paul essentially defines idolatry as an “exchange” in which they “worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator” (Rom 1:25). Similarly, when John, the seer of the apocalypse, fell down to worship the angel, the angel rebuked him and said that worship must be given to God alone: “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God” (Rev 19:10; cp. 22:8–9).

      The Divine Name

      “YHWH” is basically the name of the Father, but it is a name (unlike the name “Father”) that the Father can share with his exalted Son (Phil 2:9–10). This is because the name YHWH itself does not mean “Father” but “I am who I am” (Exod 3:14). It does not differentiate his personal quality but his essential nature. The granting of the divine name, YHWH, to the Son is legitimate, appropriate, and fitting because the Son shares the Father’s ontological divine nature. Thus, when the Son is exalted, he receives the divine name, YHWH, because it is fitting in terms of his ontological status. His receiving the divine name shows that he shares in the identity of YHWH.

      A Divine Savior

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