The Tree Within. Stephen Campana

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The Tree Within - Stephen Campana

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the last.

      When it was over, she lay there beside him on the bed, her head propped up against his chest, and said “The pleasure you feel now; you can have it every day; would you like that?”

      He nodded helplessly. “Good,” she said, “then all you have to do is stay here and kill the boy. Do you think you can do that for me?” His exhilaration quickly turned to dread. He did want this woman, wanted her more than anything, but not at such a cost. “I can’t do that,” he said.

      “Oh, come on, now,” she said, running a finger through the hairs on his chest, “I’m sure you could.” Her finger was hot, like a coal. Plumes of smoke rose up from his chest as she pressed harder. “In fact,” she said, “I’m sure you will.”

      The pain was intense. He tried to move but couldn’t. “Please . . . let me go,” he pleaded in a barely audible voice.

      “First, you have to promise,” she said, placing her palm flat against his chest. It felt like an iron was searing his flesh. Smoke wafted up in thick plumes now, and he could smell his flesh burning. “Promise or you will feel this way all the time,” she said. He cried out in agony, but still he resisted giving his assent to her awful demand. She began moving her hand in circles, searing him deeper and deeper, until the pain became unbearable, and he cried out “Okay, okay; I will do it!”

      “Good boy,” she said, and removed her hand from his chest. The smoke subsided and, except for a slight residual burning sensation, he felt nothing. The woman put her robe back on and headed for the door. “Enjoy the wine,” she said, blowing him a kiss as she left the motel room.


      For the second straight night, Diane made dinner for them. This time she kept it simple: steak and fries. And this time Jack was smart enough not to mix business with food; he made no mention of their mission. When dinner was finished Jack cleared off the table, did the dishes, and took out the trash. He lingered outside by the curb, thinking. What exactly should he do when he went back inside? He hardly knew this girl, and yet he was living with her. He had met her just two days ago, and yet he loved her. As he went back inside he knew only this: they had to talk. Yesterday was a start, but then they backed off. Tonight, they had to do some serious talking, no matter how uncomfortable it might get.

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